Do they have a sweet tooth? (Preference)

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Ace wants you to think he's such a though guy who doesn't have a sweet tooth at all, but the truth looks a little different. He really doesn't eat a lot of candy, but don't let that fool you, he loves everything sweet. He tries so hard to make everyone think he drinks his coffee black, but in reality he puts so much fucking sugar in there, it's unreal. You always tease him saying he doesn't drink coffee with sugar, he drinks sugar with coffee, but he can't help it. He simply can't stand how bitter it is otherwise.

Eyeball didn't get to eat much candy when he was younger because his parents didn't want to waste money on that, and you can bet he's compensating for that with how much sugar he eats now. I'm talking chocolate for breakfast, gummy bears for lunch and ice cream for dinner. Please stop him before his teeth start to rot from all that sugar.

Billy is the normal one out of the gang in this case. He likes to eat candy, but not overly so, and he's not weird™ about it either.

Charlie's taste in candy is very questionable. He hates all the good stuff. Hates chocolate, hates cotton candy, hates marzipan and nougat and all that wonderful sweet stuff. He doesn't even like gummy bears. What he does like is licorice and bitter things like that.

Fuzzy definitely has a sweet tooth, but he generally prefers confectionaries over candy. Also I think he really likes stuff with cinnamon in it.

Vince doesn't care much for candy. He likes to eat it occasionally, but he can well live without it.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora