Too Early (Ace's sister/Eyeball)

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Happy birthday MionSnojkorn!
Y/N's behavior in this is based on myself and probably not very relatable, but I hope you enjoy this anyway<33

You left your room, heading towards the kitchen. Just as you were about to go down the stairs a pair of arms wrapped around you from behind, and you felt yourself being pulled back against a strong chest.

"It's five in the morning, Princess," Ace's tired voice sounded over your squeals. "Can't you just sleep in on your birthday for once?"

"No! I don't wanna waste a minute of my birthday!"

Ace sighed. "You'll never change, will you?"

"Nope. Growing up is for losers. I'm sticking with Peter Pan."

"Oh-oh. Do I have to tell Eyeball you're cheating on him with a flying fag in tights?"



"Stop spewing insults and wish me a happy birthday!"

Ace rolled his eyes, but did as he was told. "Happy birthday, you fucking brat. There's cake in the kitchen for you if you want. I'm going back to bed, don't—"

"Like hell you are! You're coming to the kitchen with me and having breakfast with me and then you'll drive me to Eyeball's place."

"You don't seriously think he's awake this early."

"Of course he is! Well, at least I hope so. If not I'll just have to wake him."

"You're horrible, you know that?"

"What I know is that today I am the boss, so stop trying to argue with me. I'm not letting you go back to sleep, no matter what you say. If you try I'll jump on your bed until you fall out of it."

"If you wake Eyeball this early he'll break up with you," Ace continued to argue, but it was only out of spite — he was already following you to the kitchen.

"No he won't. He might not be happy about it, but he won't mind. He loves me. Unlike you, apparently."

Ace rolled his eyes again. "Oh, yeah, being pissed I have to get up at five in the morning because of you definitely means I don't love you."

"You didn't have to do anything. I would have let you sleep a little longer, but if you're up anyway you might as well keep me company."

"I was up anyway because you made more noise than a whole circus while you were getting up."

"Not true."

"Totally true."

"Fuck you."

You'd reached the kitchen while you talked, and instead of answering, Ace shoved you onto a chair while he set to cutting the cake. He hadn't bothered with candles; you were too old for nonsense like that, but he had made a point of baking your favorite cake just the way you loved it.

You reached for the radio to turn on some music, but Ace quickly stopped you.

"Unless you wanna deal with a pissed off mom and dad I wouldn't do that," he warned. Your parents took a lot less well to being woken up by you so early in the morning than Ace did — a fact that was impossible to get through your thick skull, even after years of experiences that should have taught you better. "You remember what happened last time."


The both of you ate breakfast in silence, only broken by occasional yawns from Ace. Then you went back to your rooms to get dressed, and he drove you to Eyeball's place, complaining the whole drive long about how it was too early, the sun wasn't even up, Eyeball wouldn't be up yet either, blah blah blah.

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