Bad Influence (Vince's Sister)

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Requested by welliqque, I hope you like it :)

Being forced to stay in your room and rest because you have sunstroke is bad enough, especially when it's such a beautiful day outside and you can hear your friend who lives on the other side of the street playing in their garden.

Being supervised by your older brother on top of that, because your parents went out and didn't want to leave you alone, however, makes it close to unbearable, even more so when you're all too aware of the fact that said brother would rather be anywhere else than with you.

Vince's disdain about having to babysit you is written all over his face.

He's sitting slumped down in your desk chair, which he pulled up to your bed after closing the curtains to make sure you don't even get to at least see the sun, and refuses to look at you.

"You hate me, don't you?"

You know he doesn't, but it sure feels like it sometimes. The way he never wants to spend time with you hurts, and in the overall miserable state you're currently in it's more than you can stand.

You didn't mean to start a fight with that comment, but Vince's response makes it difficult.

"Now don't you start with that shit again," he groans, and you feel anger bubbling in your chest.

You wouldn't have to start with that shit again if he would just stop acting the way he did ever since him and his friends had declared themselves a real, serious gang, taken to calling themselves the Cobras, and started getting up to even worse trouble than they'd already been doing before. Vince never liked letting you around them, but now you're not even allowed to say hi to him anymore when you see the boys somewhere around town.

He claims it's just because he doesn't want you to get dragged into anything, but then why won't he spend time with you alone anymore either?

You know he doesn't actually hate you, but it feels like he doesn't like you, either. Had he ever? The both of you had used to be close when you were small, despite you being three years younger than your brother, but even before Vince completely stopped spending time with you you'd already been drifting apart.

You can't think of anything you did that could have given him cause to distance himself from you like he had, and from that, together with the fact that it happened just around the time the Cobras became the Cobras, you have an idea what the reason might be: Vince thinks he's too cool for you now.

The expression on his face, which could be taken as one of worry and sympathy, looks like nothing but annoyance and indignation to you. The thought that he might be bothered not by having to stay home and look after you, but by the fact that you're unwell, doesn't even cross your mind.

"Just go and hang out with your stupid Cobras already; I know you want to. I don't need no babysitter."

Vince doesn't say a word, doesn't even look at you — are you really that unworthy of his attention? —, but he shakes his head and stays where he is, his arms crossed over his chest and a scowl on his face.

You don't want him there if he's gonna be like this.

"I won't tell Mom and Dad, okay?! Just be back before them, and we'll pretend like you were here the whole time. Just go away!"

Finally he looks up at your face, only he doesn't look at you, he glares at you.

"I ain't leaving you alone like this. Now shut up and drink your water; you know the doctor said you have to stay hydrated."

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