Your stomach hurts (Preference)

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Requested by @chicken_strips21

Ace quite frankly thinks you're exaggerating at first, and tells you to stop being dramatic. When you snap at him to leave you alone he realizes you really are feeling unwell, and makes sure to comfort you as best as he can, cuddling you and giving you medicine if you have any.

Eyeball is gonna be worried the second you mention that your tummy hurts, and when he later finds you curled up in bed holding your stomach he's this close to straight up taking you to the doctor. If you refuse he'll reluctantly accept that, and lay down with you, rubbing your tummy.

Ace and Eyeball together are very chaotic. You'll get a mix of slight worry and teasing at first, but it won't take long until they've fueled each other's worries so much that Eyeball is running in circles, trying to stop himself from getting a fullblown panic attack because "What if it's something serious?!". Just tell them to shut the fuck up and come cuddle with you, then they'll calm down and do as requested.

Billy will be very calm and reasonable about it. He'll try to find out why your stomach is hurting — if you're sick or just ate too much or if you're getting your period — and then take the according action.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now