Dyslexia (Preference)

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Ace knows what dyslexia is, but has low-key always associated it with being stupid. When he finds out you're dyslexic he has to amend that view, because you're actually one of the smartest people he knows. It takes some explaining, but eventually he'll understand that you're not just an exception but that it has nothing to do with being stupid. If you're having a bad day with reading and writing he'll notice and read whatever text you're struggling with out loud for you, without saying anything about it, or offer to write whatever you have to write for you<33 (He will demand payment in the form of kisses.)

I think Eyeball is dyslexic too, though he isn't diagnosed. He actually didn't even know dyslexia was a thing until he learned that you have it, and upon finding out about it he inwardly goes Holy shit, it's just like that for me!. He won't actually say that though, because he's insecure, so you have to figure that out yourself. You can suffer together whenever either of you have to read or write anything.

Billy is so, so sweet about it. He had a vague idea that dyslexia had something to do with bad spelling, but didn't know much about it, and listened very intently to your explanation. His own spelling and reading comprehension aren't that great either, in his case due to never bothering to properly learn, but he always offers to help if you're doing any paperwork or the like.

Charlie didn't know what dyslexia was, and was very confused when you first told him about it. "You mean you can't read?" No, Charlie, I mean letters are evil and do not want to form coherent words when I look at them, but I make them do it anyway. Wether he actually understands it remains uncertain, but after your explanation he makes sure to never make fun of you when he notices you struggling to read or spell anything.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now