When they're sick (Preference)

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Ace almost never gets sick, but when he does he claims he's fine and refuses to rest until it's so bad he really can't deny it anymore. He won't ask you to take care of him, in fact he'll tell you to stay away so you don't get sick, too, but if you do it anyway he is a very pleasant patient that doesn't demand much. But don't expect him to say thank you (even though he is grateful), after all it's not like he asked you to take care of him. If you end up also getting sick because of him he'll feel terrible and pamper you.

Eyeball doesn't get sick often, but when he does it's always bad, and he's always a big baby about it. He'll come over to your place just so he can lay in your bed and pout at you until you bring him a cup of tea and medicine. He'll also need you to give him kisses and cuddle him the whole time, so there's a 99% chance you'll get sick too (and he won't even be sorry).

Billy doesn't tend to get sick easily. When he does he's moping around, trying to pretend he's fine but inevitably failing. Deep down he's just waiting for you to notice he's sick and tell him to rest. He'll happily go back to bed once you say so, but only if you come with him to cuddle.

Charlie rarely gets sick, but you can bet that the second he has even the slightest bit of a cough or whatever he acts as if he's dying. He'll refuse to get out of bed, except to watch TV, says he can't do any tasks at all, and makes you bring him food. Chances of getting sick too are very small with him, because it's usually just not that bad, and (unlike some idiots) he doesn't demand kisses and cuddles.

Fuzzy never gets sick. Literally never, at all. God, I wish that was me.

Vince gets sick really easily, but he doesn't make a big deal of it. He'll appreciate if you keep him company and make him some tea, but won't ask for more. He'll also make sure you keep your distance because he absolutely does not want you to catch whatever he has.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now