You run outside during a storm (Preference)

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Requested by MionSnojkorn cause we both love storms <3

Ace will laugh at you. And while he does like storms too, he absolutely refuses to join you outside. He does not want to get wet or struck by lightning, thank you very much. He will, however, watch you from the window with an affectionate smile, and when you finally decide to come back inside he'll be waiting with a towel and a cup of hot chocolate for you.

Eyeball thinks you're insane. When you take him by the hand and start dragging him toward the door he doesn't understand what you're doing, but when you open it and step outside he's like 'hell no'. It will take a lot of kisses to bribe him into joining you outside, and he'll keep telling you that you're both gonna get sick. (You don't, but that won't stop him from worrying about it again the next time.)

Billy will be so confused. When you suddenly just run outside once the storm hits he thinks maybe you forgot something outside. Is your book lying on the porch, already drowning in the rain? Did you leave a window of your car open? But no, you just stand there, face turned up into the rain as the wind whips your smiling face. When you call for him to join you outside he reluctantly does. He still doesn't understand how this is fun, but he likes seeing you happy so it doesn't matter.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Where stories live. Discover now