Kisses (Billy)

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MionSnojkorn suggested this idea some time ago, I don't even remember when but, uh, here we finally are! :D (I meant to post this last night but then I literally fell asleep with my phone in hand xD)

You quietly cursed when the branch you'd just placed your foot on snapped, almost causing you to fall. What on earth had made you think it would be a good idea to climb a tree in the middle of the night?

Two branches higher and you were level with the answer. You very, very carefully walked out on the branch you were standing on until you were close enough to your boyfriend's window to knock.

At first there was no response. You knocked again. Still nothing.

Disappointment rose in your chest. Had you seriously gone through all this effort to see him for nothing? And if so, where the hell was he?

You tried knocking one more time, and finally the light turned on. A few seconds later Billy opened the window, his hair falling down over his forehead in unruly curls, for once free of the grease that usually held it in place, an imprint of his pillow on his cheek.

When he realized it was you his expression changed from annoyed to worried.

"What're you doin' here in the middle of the night, doll? Something happen? Are you hurt?"

You took his outstretched hand and climbed inside, shaking your head and smiling at him. "No, everything's fine. Just wanted to see you, is all."

He closed the window behind you and frowned. "You come knocking on my window at—" he looked at the clock "—at two thirty in the night, just because you wanted to see me?!"

You nodded, biting your lip. "Well, when you say it like that it sounds kinda silly... But in my defense: I didn't realize it was that late already. 'n I missed you. We haven't seen each other all day! 'm sorry I woke you up, Billy. Do I get kisses anyway?"

Billy rolled his eyes and groaned, but that didn't stop him from nodding as he sat down on the bed and pulled you into his lap.

"Might as well, since I'm awake anyway now..." He pecked your lips shortly, muttering, "I missed you too, darling."

You went right back for another kiss, keeping your lips on his longer this time, and when you parted he explained, "I meant to come over, but first I couldn't get away from the guys until I had to go home for supper and then when I was just about to leave my ma made me tidy my room 'cause my cousin's family is gonna come visit over the weekend tomorrow."

You chuckled. "She should see my room sometime. Compared to that yours is always tidy."

"I know, it's ridiculous." Billy rolled his eyes. "And the worst part is that Vern didn't have to clean his room because he 'had too much homework', the little sucker, so she did it for him! We'll be sitting around in the living room or on the porch the whole time anyway, so what's the point?!"

"Who knows... So, does this mean we can't hang out this weekend either?"

"Probably. I'll try to sneak away if I can, but..." He shrugged. "You know how it is."

"Mhmm. Well, in that case you have to give me enough kisses to last for the whole weekend now."

"Ooorr you could climb through my window at night again," Billy suggested with a sly smirk and pulled you back with him as he lay down on his back.

You laughed and pressed a kiss to his jaw.

"I dunno about that. Your tree tried to throw me off tonight already. Why don't you climb down and come visit me?"

"Cause I don't have a car to get to your place. And because your window doesn't have a nice tree to climb in front of it."

"Okay, that's fair I guess... I'll see if I can manage to sneak out Saturday night. But now I think you promised me kisses, and I've barely gotten any yet."

Billy chuckled. "Alright, c'mere."

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