Halloween Special: Horror Movies (Preference)

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Ace is the kind of person to watch a horror movie with a completely blank face, unaffected by any gore or jump-scares. He'll be munching popcorn and calmly comment on how stupid the victims in the movie are.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: The Night of the Hunter (1955)
Modern: Pet Sematary (2019)

Eyeball is the idiot that laughs when the tension is at the highest and ruins the mood, only to get scared shitless by the next jump-scare.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: The Blob (1958)
Modern: Candyman (1992)

Charlie is pretty resistent to jump-scares, but if there's too much blood and gore on screen he'll have to look away.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: Horror of Dracula (1958)
Modern: Doctor Sleep (2019)
(I think it's also worth mentioning his least favorite modern!horror movie would be the whole Saw series)

Billy always gets startled by the jump-scares, which wouldn't be much of a deal if he didn't scream whenever it happens. But oh boy how he does. He screams like a little schoolgirl at every single jump-scare and the others will never let him live it down.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: Invasion of the Body Snatchers (1956)
Favorite (Modern): Carrie (2014)

Vince is usually pretty calm while watching horror movies, but gets really jumpy afterwards.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: I was a teenage werewolf (1957)
Modern: Friday the 13th (2009)

Fuzzy tries to keep his cool, he really does, but when the movie gets to the most gruesome part he can't help but shudder. He always ends up wide-eyed and scared, unable to look away from the screen no matter how much he wants to.
Favorite Horror Movie:
Old: The Fly (1958)
Modern: Sleepy Hollow (2000)

[A/N: I have never actually seen any of the movies from the 50s, I based the choices for those solely on summaries I read]

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