Sledding (Ace & Eyeball's daughter)

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A/N: If you like the Ace x Eyeball stuff you should go check out MionSnojkorn's Stand By Me book, as she writes for them too!

(Y/N is about seven in this; Kenny nine.)

"Dad! Dad, wake up, it snowed last night!"

Ace groaned and rolled over in an attempt to escape the merciless hands shaking him, but his daughter didn't let up.

Finally he cracked his eyes open, and was met with his husband's amused face.

Y/N now crawled over him to come face to face with him, showing a huge smile when she saw that he was finally awake.

"There's lots of snow!" she repeated. "Can we go sledding? Pa already said yes, but you have to come too. Please, Dad!"

"Can it wait until I had my coffee?"

Little Y/N rolled her eyes, but nodded. "Kenny's already feeding the dogs," she informed him.

Eyeball had sat up in his side of the bed and reached for the girl-shaped nuisance. "Come on, Sweetie, you know your Dad needs a bit longer till he's fully awake. Let's help your brother with breakfast and after we ate something we'll go sledding, yeah?"

She followed him out of the room willingly enough, but Ace still heard her ask, "But what if it stops snowing till then?"

He chuckled. If there was as much snow as she said it wouldn't matter if more fell or not.

He slowly sat up, wishing he could stay in his warm and comfortable bed for just a little longer. He had always considered himself an early riser, but his daughter had taught him better. Y/N didn't usually like to get up all that early either, but there were days like today, when she was excited for something, when she dragged them all out of bed before the sun was even up.

When he entered the kitchen he was greeted by the smell of coffee. Eyeball handed him a cup, and pecked his lips.

"Morning, Dad," their son said from the kitchen table.

"Morning, Kenny. The little monster drag you out of bed too?"

Kenny grinned and reached over to mess up his sister's hair. "Yeah, she got me confused with a trampoline. No use telling her to go back to sleep."

"Why wou' you wanna go back t' sleep when 'ere's snow?!"

"You're not supposed to talk with your mouth full, Sweetheart," Eyeball scolded Y/N.

She shrugged and shoved another spoonful of cereal into her mouth, before saying, "Shorry, Pa."

Ace grinned.

My little rebel, he thought with a surge of inept pride.

"Why were you awake so early anyway?" Richie changed the topic. "Had a prophetic dream that told you it snowed?"

"Of course not," she said, without food in her mouth for once. "I woke up 'cause I had to use the bathroom, and when I looked out the window I saw the snow. Are you guys done yet? I wanna go!"

"No, Y/N, I only just sat down," Ace said. "Why don't you go get changed already? You can't go sledding in your PJ's. Maybe we'll be done by the time you're dressed, okay?"


She started toward the door, but Ace called her back.

"Didn't you forget something?" he asked with a pointed look at her empty cereal bowl.

She picked it up and put it in the dishwasher with a groan, then left the room.

Half an hour later they all got out of Ace's old Ford convertible, and Y/N immediately ran to the back of the car. She traced the words painted on the car's back deck, the way she always did, and then got her sled out of the trunk.

Kenny joined her, and put his hands on his hips when his dog hopped right onto his sled after he set it on the ground. "No, Clyde, I'm not pulling you up the hill. Get off."

By the time the dog finally complied, Y/N and her own dog Bonnie had almost reached the top already.

Kenny ran after them, Clyde right at his heels, occasionally sticking his nose in the snow to throw it into the air.

At the top of the hill Y/N was now sitting down on her sled, letting Bonnie sit in front of her before pushing off and going down the hill.

The dog, used to it's girl's shenanigans, sat perfectly still, and the look on her face seemed to mirror Y/N's own big smile.

Once the sled stopped, Bonnie hopped off and came over to Ace who was waiting for them, but Y/N stayed where she was.

Ace already knew what would follow.


"Yes, Princess?"

"Can you pull me up the hill? Pleeeaase."

Yep. There we go.

"Don't tell me you're tired already."

She disregarded the question with a shrug. "Can you?"

Ace was already walking over to her. Of course he would. Saying no to his daughter was not something he was capable of, unless the circumstances absolutely required it.

He grabbed the string attached to the sled, just as Kenny came to a stop at the bottom of the hill, Clyde happily racing after him. Bet you a hundred dollars he'll make Richie pull him up the hill, too, Ace thought.

He waited a a moment, watching, and yes, he was right.

When he turned his attention back to his daughter, Bonnie had hopped back onto the sled with her, and they both looked at him with the same expectant expression.

"What, you want me to pull the dog too?"

Y/N nodded. "Same rights for everybody."

She grinned, and even though Ace rolled his eyes, he had to grin too.

"Alright. Let's go then."

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