Cozy (Ace x reader x Eyeball)

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A/N: This was originally supposed to be an idea MionSnojkorn  suggested a while ago but I combined it with one of my own ideas so it turned out kinda different. And also kinda short... :(

How do you convince someone who doesn't want to admit he's sick that he needs to rest?

That was a question Eyeball and you had been mulling over for two days now because of your boyfriend Ace. He had a bad cough that seemed to be getting worse instead of better with every day, and still he refused to admit that he wasn't feeling well.

Today you finally had an idea that you thought might work.

Your boys were staying over at your place since your parents were gone for the weekend, and outside the rain was pouring, so after breakfast you refused to change out of your PJs.

"Let's stay home today. What should we run around in the rain for when my bed is so much cozier?"

Eyeball knew exactly what you were doing, and instantly agreed with you. "Sounds great. You guys can take turns reading to me."

Ace crossed his arms over his chest. "We wanted to drive up the city and take a look at the new mall today, remember?"

"We can still do that in the afternoon if it stops raining. I know you don't like driving in the rain, Ace!"

He grumbled and rolled his eyes at you, but didn't object.

Richie nodded. "Alright, that's decided then. Now come on, back to bed. It's cuddle time!"

"Yeah!" You took Ace's hand in one of yours, Eyeball's in your other, and led the way back to bed.

In your room Richie let go of your hand and made a beeline for the bookshelf to pick something to read while you and Ace got comfortable on the bed.

After a few minutes Eyeball joined you with a green, worndown book in hand.

You smiled, instantly recognizing it because it was one of your favorites, but still asked, "So, what you got there?"


Yep. No surprise there. Eyeball loved westerns, and your collection of Karl May books was a neverending supply of happiness for him — if they were being read to him, that was. Having to read that sort of long-winded, difficult prose himself would certainly lead to a meltdown.

You shared a look with Ace, who took the book from Richie's hands. "Alright, I'll start."

In your opinion he shoud be giving his voice some rest, it was already rough from coughing so much, but you didn't say anything. Ace was stubborn, and you had to be a little tricky sometimes. Better to let him read a chapter or two and then take over than spend an eternity trying to convince him that he had to take it easy only to fail anyway.

After only a few pages it was obvious Ace's throat hurt, because he kept clearing his throat and coughed even more, but he insisted on finishing the chapter before he allowed you to continue reading.

By the time you'd reached chapter three Eyeball's head had dropped to Ace's shoulder, and his eyes were starting to fall shut.

"Don't tell me you're gonna fall asleep now," Ace said, interrupted by another coughing fit. "We only got up not even two hours ago."

Eyeball shrugged, and laid down even more comfortably, forcing Ace to do the same. "You kept waking us up with your coughing, Ace. I need my beauty sleep!"

"Like shit you do. You're pretty enough."

It looked like he wanted to say more, possibly deny that he'd been coughing at all, but then he started coughing again.

"And you want me to stay pretty, right?" Eyeball said. "Then you gotta let me have my nap."

You nodded, put the book aside, and threw an arm and leg over Ace from the other side. "I could use a nap too. Let's sleep a little and maybe it'll have stopped raining when we wake up."

Ace huffed. "Fine."

Despite his complaining he was the first to fall asleep, snoring softly only a few minutes later.

You and Eyeball exchanged a look and grinned at your success.

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt