Relief (Ace Smut)

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A/N: kinda short and definitely not my best but I really wanted to get this idea out of my system bc it's been plaguing my mind for way too long already

Warnings: Smut! Period sex (kinda, the clothes stay on and no penetration), mentions of blood obviously, subby!reader

"Could you get me a hot water bottle, Ace? Please?"

You were curled up in bed, holding your stomach, desperately hoping the pain your period was causing you would let up enough to allow you to fall asleep soon.


Ace came back with it and settled down next to you, letting you snuggle up to him.

"You know, I heard orgasms help with period pain," he remarked.

"Ace... Are you seriously telling me you wanna fuck right now?! I'm literally bleeding down there, you do understand that, right?"

"Yeah, I know. I was just thinking maybe you'd feel better if I got you off. Without actually fucking you, I mean."

You eyed him sceptically.

"I dunno, Ace. I never heard of orgasms helping with period cramps, and even if it's true it would be super messy if we did something. I don't think you understand just much blood periods involve."

"Considering the huge bloodstain that was on the sheets this morning I think I do understand that. Which is why I said I'd get you off without actually fucking you. If you keep your clothes on there ain't no way we'll get blood anywhere."

"Okay, yeah, but 'm still tired and in pain."

Ace raised an eyebrow. "Hey, you're the one who's always whining to me about how horny she gets when she's on her period. I'm just trying to help."

He was right of course, but moving even a single inch from your current position seemed like an impossible task. On the other hand, if it really helped with your cramps...

"You really think it'll help?"

Ace shrugged. "I don't know. But trying it can't hurt, right? C'mon, doll. I don't like seeing you in pain, and maybe it'll at least distract you from it. Or tire you out so you can sleep despite the pain."

"Alright. But unless it actually helps you ain't getting nothing in return."

"I wasn't expecting anything in return." A smirk appeared on his face. "But if it works and you wanna give me head as a thanks I sure as hell ain't gonna say no."

"Really? You weren't expecting me to?"

"What, is it really that hard to believe that I just want my girl to feel better, without having ulterior motives?"

"I didn't say that..."

Ace rolled his eyes. "Uh-huh, whatever. Just c'mere."

He took you by the hips and lifted you onto his lap so you were straddling his thigh, still clutching the hot water bottle against your tummy with one hand, while the other held on to Ace's shoulder.

"You know, exercise is supposed to help too. Maybe you should get yourself off by riding my thigh instead of letting me do all the work."

You snorted. "Someone's been doing his research, huh?"

Ace shrugged and looked away, but you could have sworn you saw a faint blush on his cheeks. "Believe it or not, I know what a library is. And I wanted to know why you always make such a big deal of it when you're on your period as if you're dying or some shit."

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