A Not So Secret Crush 2 (Charlie's sister/Billy)

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MionSnojkorn asked for a Part two, I hope you like it!

A week had passed since your brother had learned of your crush on his best friend, and you were set on making today the day you would confess to Billy.

Tugging on your shirt and checking yourself out in the mirror for the millionth time you glanced at the clock.

The Cobras should be here any minute now. All you had to do was stay close by and wait for the right moment to talk alone with Billy.

You really hoped today wouldn't be one of those days Ace got annoyed by your presence and made you leave... As if it was your fault the only time you got to see Billy was when the boys were hanging out with your brother at your place, or the rare occasion that he took you with him when going to Irby's.

The thought made you even more nervous than you'd already been. Could you really hope Billy liked you back when he had hardly ever talked to you without your brother present? Wasn't it much more likely that he only saw you as Charlie's annoying little sister, and would never even consider you as a potential love interest?

You tried your best to ignore the nagging questions inside your brain, and left your room to join your brother in the backyard.

The knowing smirk he gave you made your face burn with embarrassment, and you shot him a glare.

"One wrong word and you're dead," you warned him.

Charlie said nothing, but kept grinning.

You could only hope the others wouldn't see through you as easily as he did...

Not that it would matter once you actually confessed to Billy. If he didn't like you back he would probably tell everyone about your crush so they could make fun of you together. That might lead to an argument with Charlie, but you didn't think they would care. That was the worst case scenario. And in the best case scenario... Well, in the best case scenario he did like you back... And then you would eventually become a couple and rub that fact in everyone's face.

Luckily you were spared the torture of waiting much longer, because just then you heard the unmistakable sound of Ace's car. He would have picked up Eyeball and Billy on his way, as he always did when meeting here. Fuzzy and Jack would come with Vince, but you couldn't have cared less about them right now.

When the three Cobras rounded the corner you feigned mild disinterest, only giving a small wave as way of greeting. Billy waved back, while Ace simply ignored you and Eyeball rolled his eyes.

"What's she doin' here?" he asked your brother.

"She can speak for herself," you said before Charlie could say anything. "And I happen to live here, so I don't need your permission to be here. But if you boys need to be alone so desperately, I guess I'll head inside. Later, Bitches."

You inwardly cursed as you walked away. Could it have gone much worse?

...Probably yes, if you were honest.

You could always come outside again later, or, which would have been the best option from the start, wait inside and hope that Billy would eventually come in to grab a drink.

You looked back in the doorway, and caught him watching you. You smiled at him, and to your delight he smiled back, rolling his eyes in Eyeball's direction.

You nodded, happy to know that he too thought his friend's behavior ridiculous, and waved at him before disappearing inside.

Maybe your chances really were better than you'd thought.

And you definitely would find a way to speak to him alone. If you couldn't catch him alone you would somehow create a situation that left him alone with you.

That didn't become necessary, thanks to your brother.

He asked Billy to come help him look for a newspaper article he wanted to show the guys, and promptly left him alone with you in the kitchen to search for it, while he went to check if it was in his room.

"Hi, Billy."

"Hey, Y/N."

"Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure, but I'm looking for Charlie's newspaper right now."

"It's in Charlie's room. 'm sure he'll manage to find it."

"Alright then. What did you wanna talk about?"

You gulped. It was now or never.

"Well, I– uh..." Come on, Y/N, you can do this. "I like you. And, uh, I was wondering if— if maybe we could spend some time together sometime? Without those idiots outside, I mean."

You had looked at the ground while delivering your little speech, and when you peered up you found Billy watching you with an expression you couldn't quite place.

"Like me? Or like-like me?" he asked after a few seconds of silence.

"Like-like you."

He smiled, and you felt a huge weight being lifted from your heart, because it wasn't a mean smirk like the one's the Cobras wore when picking on some poor soul, not even a belittling smile of pity, but a real, happy smile.

"I like you too."

"Like-like me?"

"Yeah. And I'd like it if we spent some time together alone. Maybe– Maybe we could watch that new Hitchcock movie they're showing at the gem?"

"Yeah. I'd like that. Do– Do you have time tomorrow?"

"Yeah. It's a date then, yeah?"


You smiled at each other, and then all of a sudden your brother stepped into the room.

You were sure he'd been standing outside the door for a while already, waiting for the right moment to come back in.

He lifted the newspaper article. "Found it. What am I hearing about a date here?"

You shook your head, grinning. As if he didn't know.

"None of your business, Charles," you said at the same time as Billy said, "I'm taking your sister to the movies tomorrow."

"Huh. Alright. Have fun."

Stand By Me One Shots/Imagines + Preferences (The Cobras x reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن