When you have a nightmare (Preference)

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Ace, while not the best at actively comforting you, is very good at making you feel safe after a nightmare. He stays calm and holds you, letting you cry and reassuring you that whatever you dreamt about wasn't real and that he's there for you. If you want to tell him about the dream he'll be a very attentive listener, and then tell you how he'd protect you from the horrors of it, but he won't pressure you to tell him. He'll stay awake with you for as long as it takes for you to fall back asleep, or if you can't go back to sleep at all he'll take you for a drive.

Eyeball will feel super helpless when you have a nightmare, but he's actually really good at comforting you. He always manages to calm you down enough to stop crying within five minutes maximum, and then lets you vent about the horrible shit you dreamt about—if you want to talk about it. If not he's content to just hold you and play with your hair until you can fall back asleep.

Billy hates seeing you upset. His emotions tend to mirror your own, so if you're upset because you had a nightmare he's gonna be upset, too. That won't stop him from comforting you as best as he can, though. His go-to way of helping you relax and fall back asleep once you've calmed down a little is reading to you, and he'll also make you a hot drink so you're extra cozy.

Charlie... Well, to put it nicely: he's not the person you want to go to when you have a nightmare. He gets really irritable when woken up, and, unlike Ace, who also tends to be grumpy when robbed of his sleep, but won't let that stop him from being there for you, Charlie does not have the patience for your shit. The most he'll do is tell you that it's fine, that it was just a dream, before turning around and going back to sleep. If you try to keep him awake he won't hesitate to tell you to shut the fuck up and stop being such a pussy. He might feel bad about it in the morning, but won't act any different if it happens again.

Fuzzy won't be any help when you have a nightmare. He's too deep of a sleeper to notice on his own, and you probably won't be able to wake him up to comfort you either.

Vince will try to comfort you, but he's certainly not the best at that. He doesn't know what to say, and only awkwardly rubs your back. He is, however, very good at taking your mind off of the nightmare after you calmed down a bit. He'll get you to talk about this and that, keeping your thoughts occupied with happier things until you can fall back asleep.

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