Lies (Ace's sister)

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Warnings: Attempted suicide, self-harm, self-deprecating thoughts, Ace says some really mean stuff, some violence

"You have some nerve to show up here."

You froze in your tracks at your brothers cold voice.

Was he still mad about the fight you'd had earlier? He didn't usually hold grudges against you for long, and it had been you who'd gotten angry and started a fight, so you didn't understand why he was like this now.

"I wanted to apologize. I shouldn't have called you a–"

"After what you did?"

Suddenly you realized the others were all glaring at you too.

"Just go home, Y/N, we really don't wanna see you right now," Vince said.

Nothing made sense anymore. You and Ace often had small fights, but you always made up rather quickly and the other Cobras never got involved.

So why on earth were all of them so angry at you right now? What was Ace talking about?

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything!"

"Don't play stupid. You stole my knife and gave it to that James asshole."

You stared at Ace, frozen in shock.

"I– what? No!"

"No? Then how come he's waving it around, telling everyone willing to listen how he tricked the little Baby-Cobra into stealing it for him, huh?"

Your brothers voice sounded calm but you knew him well enough to know he was absolutely furious.

"He's lying! I don't know how he got your knife but not from me," you tried to defend yourself. "Ace, please, you can't seriously believe that bullshit!"

Your brother stepped closer to you, getting right in your face.

"Wanna know what I think, Princess?" The pet name came out full of spite, covered in venom. "I think you took the knife and gave it to that bastard because you were angry at me. You made a plan with him that he'd let you take it away from him, then you would have come to me telling me how you got it back to make yourself look tough. But he never planned on giving it back, so now he's the one laughing and everyone knows what a stupid, petty little kid you are."

You vehemently shook your head.

"No! I would never do that! Come on Ace, I wouldn't betray you like that, no matter how angry I am! Especially not to James, you know I hate his guts!"

"Then how did he get my knife, huh?"

"I don't fucking know!" you yelled.

You felt tears burning in your eyes from the frustration and hurt you felt at your brother's refusal to believe you.

"Tears won't help you," he sneered.

"Please, Ace, you gotta believe me," you begged. "I didn't betray you, I would never! You know that!" You looked to Eyeball for help, he was closest to you after Ace, but he refused to meet your eyes. "Come on guys, you know that."

"No, Y/N, we don't," Ace spoke again. "What I do know is that you're a spoiled brat that always ruins everything."

You couldn't hold back your tears anymore when Ace pushed you. It wasn't hard enough to make you fall, but you stumbled backwards and stared at him in disbelief.


"You're nothing but a fucking nuisance. And if you think your crying's gonna get you anywhere I've got new for you: I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. It's just pathetic. Look at you, you can't even own up to your shit and apologize! It would have been better if you'd never been born."

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