The Littlest Cobra's Birthday (Ace's sister)

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Follow-up to The Littlest Cobra requested by MionSnojkorn. Sorry for the wait, this turned out longer than I thought it would when I started it and I kept getting distracted by new ideas 😅

"A surprise party?" Ace looks at his gang with raised eyebrows as they all nod, and shakes his head. "That's not gonna work. She'll know it's her birthday."

"But she won't know she's getting a party!" Eyeball insists. "We just gotta keep her busy while we prepare everything, then it will be a surprise."

"And how do you wanna do that?"

Eyeball nudges Billy in the side, signaling it's his turn to answer.

"Well, we thought we could ask Connie to distract her. Y/N's always so excited to see her, so it'd just make it even better if she's there too, right? They could take a walk to the ice cream place or something while we decorate and stuff."

Ace thinks it over and slowly nods. "Okay, that could work... But where is this party supposed to take place? If my folks are home they won't tolerate that shit."

There is no telling if their parents will be at home on Y/N's birthday. Ace hopes they won't be, especially their dad — if he is he will certainly be drunk or hungover, and in a sour mood either way. Nothing can ruin a little girl's birthday like her parents. She's used to them not being around, so that wouldn't bother her much, but if they are and they don't acknowledge her birthday at all — which they certainly won't, even if they remember it, which is unlikely — it will bother her. And if they find something to get mad at her about — which they always do, especially their mother, be it that she's too loud too early in the morning or even just wears the wrong clothes — the day would be bound to start in tears.

The other Cobras already considered that problem, too.

"My place," Fuzzy says. "I bet my mom would even make a cake, and if the weather is good we could do it outside so Y/N can play with the dog."

"She'll try to give the dog a slice of cake too..." Eyeball predicts.

Fuzzy shrugs. "Well, as long as it's not chocolate cake I don't see why not."

"It has to be chocolate cake, though," Eyeball says. "I mean, c'mon, it's Y/N. She's crazy for everything chocolate."

"Yeah, that's true..."

"Okay guys, forget about the cake and the dog for now," Billy interrupts them. "Let's start planning!"

A week later Y/N's birthday is finally here.

Ace is woken up by a weight on his chest, and when he opens his eyes he is met with the face of his sister beaming down at him in the early morning light. Her smile widens even more when she realizes he's awake.

He smiles back at her. "Hey, Princess. Happy birthday."

"Thanks. Can you make me pancakes?"

Ace squints at the clock, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, and lets his head fall back onto the pillow.

It's 5:41 in the morning.

"Sure, but don't you wanna stay in bed and cuddle a little first? 's early."

Too early, at least for him. He's not sure he's awake enough to remember how to make pancakes.


Y/N snuggles up to him contently enough, but she's not sleepy anymore in the least, and as much as Ace hopes she'll fall asleep for another hour or two, giving him a chance to do the same, he doubts she will. Once Y/N is awake, she's awake, no can do about it.

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