Scene: The Liberty, Luka's room. Luka is strumming his guitar, trying to finish his song for Adrien.

Tikki: Shouldn't we head up? Everyone is already arriving!
Luka: In a minute, Tikki. I wanted to play Adrien this song as a surprise tonight. It has to be perfect; I want it to show Adrien how much I love him.
(Suddenly, his phone rings. He picks it up to see that Kagami is trying to call him again)
Tikki: Aren't you going to answer?
Luka: Kagami is supposed to come tonight. I'll just explain why I didn't answer once she gets here; she'll understand.
Tikki: I'm sure she will.
Luka: Alright, back to the song. (He goes back to strumming his guitar)

Scene: Exterior, on the deck of Liberty. The gang prepares for a concert. Adrien talks to Juleka.

Adrien: Hey, Juleka. Can you help me with something?
Juleka: Sure, what's up?
Adrien: Well, I... I wrote a song for Luka, but- (He hands her the lyrics) -songwriting is more his thing; I don't know how I should present it to him.
Juleka: Adrien, it's beautiful. We should play it with the band!
Rose: Adrien! You wrote a song for Luka!? Oh, that's so cute!
(Nathaniel starts to draw in his sketchbook)
Ivan: Why don't we start to play it? (He runs away excitedly)
Juleka: I'm super excited!
Mylène: I'll get some lanterns. It'll be more romantic.
Kim: A dolphin? Where can I get a dolphin?

Scene: Inside the Tsurugi car. The car is driving Kagami to the Liberty. Kagami is seen glancing at a sheet of paper before putting it in her pocket.

Tatsu: Kagami-san, you've reached your destination.
(The Tsurugi car arrives at the dock. Kagami walks onto Liberty to see Rose pushing Adrien)
Rose: Of course, you're the one who's going to sing your song!
Nino: Zoé, you're one of the backup singers. Max, Markov— Hey, Kagami! Perfect timing.
Mylène: It's great you're here, Kagami. Can you play the tambourine?
Nino: I need her for backup vocals.
Kim: Do you happen to have a dolphin by any chance?
Alya: Adrien is going to sing a song he wrote for Luka!
Kagami: Oh? That's wonderful. Where is Luka? I was worried; he hasn't been answering my calls.
Juleka: Oh, you know how he is when he's working on his music.
Kagami: That's good. It is with focus that we make progress.
Juleka: ( whispers) Between you and me, he's finishing up writing a song for Adrien. Can you believe it? They both did the same thing!
Kagami: They truly are in sync.
Juleka: We're about ready, I'd better go get Luka. Enjoy the show!
(Juleka makes her way over to the stairs, and shouts down to Luka)
Juleka: Hey, Luka! We're just about ready up here! You coming?
Luka: (starts up the stairs) I'm coming.
(As Luka comes up the stairs, Kagami takes out her sheet of paper again and writes something on it. As Luka comes over to greet her, she puts the sheet back in her pocket)
Luka: Hey, Kagami. Glad you could make it.
Kagami: Hello, Luka. Glad to be here. I have a question for you, if you don't mind.
Luka: Sure, what-
(Adrien suddenly walks over)
Adrien: It's great to see you here, Kagami. (To Luka) You ready to start, babe?
Kagami: Go on, we can talk later.
(Luka gives Kagami a smile as he and Adrien head over to the rest of the band)

Scene: Exterior, on the deck of Liberty. The band stands ready.

Luka: Alright, so what song are we starting with?
Adrien: Actually, I have a surprise for you, babe. Why don't you sit down for a minute?
Luka: Uh... ok?
(He sits in the audience, and the band starts to play. Adrien is put under a spotlight as he walks towards the mic stand)
Adrien: Luka... I know you already know how much I love you, but... I wanted to write something anyway. This song is for you.
(Luka's eyes go wide as he realizes what's going on)
Adrien: (singing) ♫ We don't need any grand declarations ♫
Luka: He... wrote a song for me?
Adrien: (singing) ♫ Or a letter or a song of devotion ♫
Juleka: Just like you did for him! Isn't it crazy?
Adrien: (singing) ♫ We always share words full of emotion ♫
Backup singers: (singing) ♫ Emotion~ ♫
Adrien: (singing) ♫ We don't need to watch the sunset. Take a walk or ride on a dolphin ♫
Kim: (runs across the stage, carrying a dolphin prop) Dolphin!
Adrien: (singing) ♫ Don't need all that to show our love ♫
Backup singers: (singing) ♫ Need all that to show their love! ♫
Adrien: (singing) ♫ Because through it all, I can hear your heart is beating. A rhythm fluttering like butterflies~ ♫
Max: (singing) ♫ Fly~ ♫
Zoé: (singing) ♫ Fly~ ♫
Nino: (singing off-key) ♫ FLIES-
(Zoé stops Nino from singing)
Adrien: (singing) ♫ The melody that no one hears but me! ♫
(Marc points out a mesmerized Luka to Nathaniel)
Adrien: (singing) ♫ The melody that I know easily! Because my heart beats the same as yours! The melody that simply says I... I love you! ♫
(Adrien extends his hand to Luka as the spotlight points at him. Luka takes it and walks onto the stage)
Luka: I love you too, Adrien. So much.
(The two share a kiss, and everyone cheers as the song comes to an end)
Adrien: Did you like it?
Luka: I loved it, Adrien. I... actually have a little surprise for you, as well. Wait for me here?
Adrien: Always.
(Luka heads down to the cabin, but Juleka can sense something is wrong)
Juleka: I'm... gonna make sure he has everything he needs.
Kagami: I can come, too.
Juleka: That's alright, Kagami. You just enjoy yourself with everyone else.
(Kagami pulls out her sheet of paper again as Juleka heads below deck. On stage, Nino pushes a smiling Adrien aside)
Nino: Mic check, one-two, one-two!

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