Official Confession

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he unlocked his hand from behind him . Placing them either side of her and moving his head from her ear to face her . Looking at her red , flushed face ... he smiled showing his dimple which she loved to see .... but what wasn't know by her was her heartbeat, she herself wasn't aware that her heart was soo fast that her chest was raising and falling in a not soo normal way .. which didn't go unnoticed by him . He chuckled making her come back from her imaginary thoughts and looked at him .

" what are you thinking Princess??"
He asked , cupping her face this time .

" erm... nothing, why ??"
She said .

" alright.... I just asked , i want to eat spaghetti will you mind if I cook that ??"
He asked , knowing very well what was going on in her little head .

" ohhh... Spaghetti??? yeahh .. noo i don't have any problem, i like that "
she said looking up at him . He squished her cheeks making her lips pouty which made him a sudden urge to bite them , he looked at them again and back to her eyes which were blinking clueless he shrugged the thought and said.

" for that , I need your help ... but before that I can give my shirt if you like it , no problem I have many "
he said .

She frowned looking at him he signalled to look at his chest , when she realised she was catching him throughout the time , she removed her hand from his shirt and jumped out of the stool ... walking towards the kitchen to take out the appliances.

He chuckled and went near her , deciding not to tease her anymore.

"It's not there , it's here ........ "
He signalled.

" this one ??"
She asked , taking out. One of the pan .

" no, that's for NXT time , let's cook in this ......"
He said handing her the enameled spaghetti pot .
And they started to make their 'love filled meal' together.

She helped him with some chopping and washing but more of the cooking he did himself. After some giggling , fun and serious cooking it was finally time to serve, Ann tried to at least help him serve but he refused saying .

" next time .... "

She sighs listening to his 'next time' again and just sits waiting for the food .

'dang that looks delicious and I'm hungry for a long time' . She said to herself, But to be honest , he is very serious when he's doing work ..... it can be either cooking or working . Not even for a single second he missed matched things.... and the thing he washed soon after using it , made her think .

'if I'm lucky enough to have him in my life ...... my life would be perfect'
she said to herself, looking at him serving it in a perfect chef style. Ohh yeah , he has hotels on his own , of course he'll know.... she just gazes at him smiling, thinking how can someone look so perfect while doing everything.

And after some minutes their Spaghetti was served by the Chef for today.... he washed his hand and took some drinks to pour into their glasses. And finally they are ready to start.

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