Business Proposal

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"Who ??."
I asked

"You !!!"
He replied.

"Yes , it's me ... But who are you ?" 
I asked.

"I'm... You remember the convenience store??"

"Convenience store???"
what is he talking about . I was too blank to remember anything.

" Iced tea ?... You remember,.. you. Took my ice tea ??"

Ahhhhhhh... That's him ??. Why the fuck is he soo hot ??.. did he came from sun or what ?.. now I can see his features.  Damn is he human? But wait . I took ??.

" What ??..  I took ??.. Hello mister , It was mine .. and you took it !!!! "
I said defending myself.

" Whatever....... we met again. Hope we never meet !!! "

" glad the feelings are Mutual. "
I said .

Saying that I pushed him lightly... Walking towards the exit .

" Who does he think , he is ... A Thanos??? Sure he is and what is he doing in the park , where did he come from , at first... only the kids were playing ... And why is he so h- ughhhh , whatever !!! ".

Lil did I know .. he did hear me calling him Thanos...

" Cute "
Said him .

At night .

" It's finally my holidays . I can sleep as long as I want to "
excitedly I went into my covers and drifted off to sleep . but not forgetting to take my sleeping pills before.


what should I do now !!!, It's 1 pm again  in the afternoon.... I was so excited for the holidays but .  I wasted 2 days already of my holidays just sitting, laying , watching SpongeBob SquarePants, eating take-outs coz Len is not here from the day the holidays started, he said he has a couple dates to go on . Sooo yeahhh Singles feel mehh .... It's afternoon and I'm hungry again. You must be thinking I should at least try cooking??. It's not like I didn't try in those two days , damn I suck in kitchen stuff  u know I feel Namjoon Oppa , like you try your best not to mess anything but you end up doing it .
Like for eg ;

I was trying to fry an egg but the main part was cracking it and when I cracked it down on the pan the shell also dropped down in the process of saving my dear egg from cooking with an outer egg shell i burned my finger  so I gave up after trying 2 or 3 times . Let me tell u that's not the only thing I tried.  I burned the toast  four or five  times , the fire extinguishers almost came due to the smoke oozing out from my windows because of over cooking let's not say over cooking by burning the whole  kitchen when i tried frosting it !!!.
*Sigh .

If Len knew that i almost burned our house, he would kick me out ... To be truthful it's a house which was given by his parents for his start of getting independent he wasn't having any roommates so I thought why not accompany him ... But sometimes I think I am being a burden to him ??. Like seriously he pays for Bills , groceries,  daily necessities and i don't put a penny . You ask why ??. Coming from a rich family and being a dependent person??. Huh that story for another day . It's not like Len isn't Rich or something.. he is , His bank balance is always sufficient to get withdrawal for anything at anytime but yet he works in a part time job which has an unusual schedule, they call him whenever they want sometimes he stays out ,.. i don't know whether he's partying or doing overwork, i did ask him at first like what work he does or where does he go every other night'?..

" You don't need to worry about that "

he replied to me with that answer ,not Once many times I did ask but ...he would ignore the question or distract me with something. So I thought that he isn't comfortable sharing with meh ??., That's alright I don't force anyone for anything, if they want they can or else no issue....

"let's get something to put in my stomach "

saying that I took my cell and walked off the house locking it . I was on my way to get something to eat but didn't know what to get or  from where ?  ... I literally don't know sometimes what I am doing, or why I'm doing. as I was walking down the town for a while  turning here and  there i stood on my spot and thought for a while. Why am I again seeing this convenience store again ??. Am i in some kind of K-drama where the love of my life will meet me in store??. like in Business proposal??.. omooooooooo shit Ann  your watching SpongeBob SquarePants from two days You could have completed your drama. I smacked my head .

" Idiot, Shithead. You could have finished at least 5 series "

I smacked, smacked, and smacked my forehead.
Don't you think you will be doing some useless thing for a long time but your mind only works when you have already done that useless thing like Damn it you could have done that instead??.. don't you ??. 

" Nevermind, I'll go back and watch , but for now you need  snacks for later so that you can cry when your favourite actor dies or the series gets an unexpected Unhappy ending , but no serious-.. "

" You know people call stupid who talk to themselves "

Wait , the voice??? Why do i feel like I have heard it somewhere??? . Wait !!!!!!

Shit ... Not him again!!! ..
I sulk .


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