Her story

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Standing for the whole 90 minutes, i finally arrived....
getting down from the bus . i walked through the pavements , Taking another 15 to 20 minutes... i reached the building, walking inside I smiled to the guard which he did too , i walked towards the lift pressing it and going to my floor and to my apartment,.

" Finally God !!!! I'm home ... "
I said and fell on the bed but soon got up because I was sweaty, removing my bag and keeping my things on the kitchen island, I went inside the bathroom but only to know that I'm out of stock for bathroom supplies, i sigh again ..

"should I stay like this today?? .... you'll stink Ann, but I'm tired. Does the building service work ??? I should try "
I went towards the phone pad , and thankfully they picked within 2 rings.

" yes ,How may i help you?"
The girl asked from the other side.

" erm... actually I'm talking from room no 202 , I wanted to ask if I can get the appliances for the bathroom."
I asked , hesitate.

" yes , sure.... What can we get for you Mam ?"
I was so happy knowing they do room service too .

" alright.... I need a body wash , a body scrub , a body gel ................"
and it went on ,

" is that all mam ??"
She asked .

" yeah "
I replied.

" it'll be within an hour mam .."
She said .

" one hour??? can I get it soon .? "
I requested.

" erm , sorry mam.... but we'll try to get there soon , thank you "
and she hung up .

One hour??? What should I do till then ??? I'm hungry, so let's try to make something?? Yeahh small but easy , I put on some YouTube dishes and started to make something to eat for lunch.

Wiping off the sweat i finally finished my dish , which looked like this ...

Wiping off the sweat i finally finished my dish , which looked like this

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Yeah , i know it's messy Lil, but I'm hungry, just the taste matters and trust me it's good ,

As I was done with my food and thought of wiping the mess i created. I did.

I was done with that too but the room service didn't come still . So i decided to start with my assignment, The essay is a bit difficult so the easy one first .... i started with my work , i was done gathering the information, i was about to start my work when the door bell rang .

" it came , finally "
as i opened the door a lady stood there . I took the bag from her and i was about to close when she handed me the bill .

" ohh, sorry ... "
I took it and paid it , but again I was about to close when she blocked the way .

" Mam, Charge for room service"
what??? Charges??? I took it from her . And looked at the total amount.

" what ?? 100$ ??? "
I was mouth hung , she just smiled and nodded.

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