First love ?

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"Did i fail again this semester too ?"
She asked hopelessly.

Seeing her on the verge of crying, Kevin walked up to her and held her other hand with both of his hands comforting her . She looked at him blinking which made the tears flow down ... He wiped with his hand shaking his head telling her not to cry .

"Am sorry Ann, you have to check yourself "

he said giggling embarrassed little. Hearing him say that her blood boiled her left Kevin's hand and bash cursing him on the cell.


And she hung up , not even listening to him . Which made the other person on the phone a little sad . But here Kevin and Ann were getting worked out thinking that it might be the result what if she fails ??.. what if her hard work fails ??. She would never work hard for anything if the result turned out negative. On the other side Kevin was worried what if she failed and he couldn't comfort her ?. What if she leaves him here and goes somewhere??.. what if our happy moment ends here ??. They still have time to end this day . He was praying to God wishing good better best for her . He even promised God that he won't touch alcohol for at least 2 weeks.... He was in his deep thoughts when Ann called him.

" Kevin, I'll say my register number and password you type in this link and click on the result option alright??.. and if my result is good show me , and if the result is not good Don't show me .. okay ??? Will you do that to me ??. "
She asked , nervously.

He nodded and took her phone from her opening the link and typing her register number and then password.... All this time Ann's heart was thumping like anything, her hands were shaking like the just got out from a freezer, but her palms were sweaty making her nervous, her Anxiety raising every sec making her more numb and shaky she was thinking what if she fail what will she say to Mr Anderson??. He had so much hope in her ! She didn't want to ruin that . Seeing her all panicked Kevin said.

" If you won't calm down ... I won't see , help yourself"

he said holding her hand . She shook her head saying no no , and tried calming down by breathing in and out , after sometime she was a little calm when Kevin gasped loudly. She stopped shaking, and her mind blocked just concentrating on his words and face.

" Whatt ??.. what is it ???"
He didn't answer.
He was just looking at the screen and nothing.

" Kevin ?? Did i fail ?"
She asked , about crying .

He looked at her crying and started crying too, seeing him cry she assumed that she did really fail again .. such a failure she was , both in life and School too he hugged her tightly and she did too and cried in his arms..

" Congratulations Ann "
He said .

" Thanks "
she said crying .

" You're in the top list "
He said .

" I knew-...... WHATTTT????!!!"
She said breaking the hug .

" Don't fool me .. that's not possible "
she said not believing.

" Take a look then "
he said giving her phone and wiping his eyes.
She took her phone and turned it ..

" AHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!.. what the heck ?!! HOW THE HELL IS THAT POSSIBLE????.. "
she said looking at him ,

" Congratulations Ann.. you have to believe it , because it's true"
he said smiling,

" I still cannot believe it "
.she said and was about to cry again when he interrupted her .

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