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Sitting for i don't know how long at the bus stop , i don't know where to go , tbt i don't really have anybody except the person who betrayed me today , the person who was so close to me ..... Why did he go so far from my heart ? I would have bared it if it was anybody else, but it was the person i trusted blindly, he proved me today that I was really blind .... I really wish I was blind , I would have just got in the middle of the road and died a long time back !!

Looking around me... the environment was just like me . Dead , silent , dark , dull , cold and surrounded by loneliness and Alone . I laughed looking at my surroundings, not just that i laughed for my faith , my life , my state , my name , my destiny.... for my people who only know how to break me into pieces, i never thought i would one day sit at the bus top homelessly ... I laughed for that too !!! Let's laugh together.

But soon i stopped laughing when my eyes started watering again . Thinking about it .

"It shouldn't have happened this way , what did i do ? To suffer like this ? What did I do please tell me " i bang my head with my hand *sniff "This shouldn't have happened ... *Hiccups,... *Hiccups, for whom should I call when I'm broken like this ??? For whom should I call in agony?? Mom help me ??? Dad ??? GOD!!!???? "
I looked up looking at the sky , tears rolling down my cheeks, I felt like my throat was closing up i sighed heavily letting my head drop ....

"Hello , excuse me!!! "
I lift up my head .

" It's you again ??.. what are you doing here in the middle of the night. And this time no car ??? Should I arrest you for roaming around like this ???"
He asked .. it was the same police officer who fined me for parking in the wrong area . I looked at him trying to find an excuse when i didn't get any excuse i extended my hands in front of him.

" Y-you can arrest me for violating the rule "
i said , he frowned a little confused.

" You sure ?? You have to be the whole night in lockup pay your penalty and then leave"
he said looking at me , i nodded thinking at least I'll get some place to stay .

" Alright "

he said and looked at my luggage but didn't ask any questions and i followed him towards his car .

As i entered the car and the officer did too but before that , it thundered suddenly making me shudder and the rain started ... As we were on our way , the shattering thunder storm didn't stop, making my migraine worse the severe headaches which shouldn't be showing anytime soon like this , were showing at the wrong time , the headache was growing instantly ... So i closed my eyes leaning to the window trying to endure it .

After a few minutes we reached but i didn't know I was asleep until the police officer shouted from the front seat .

" Hey !!! It's not your father's car to sleep ... Get out !!! you're arrested , at least act like that "

the police officer shouted in a worst tone which made me feel a little sad but sighing I got out taking my trolley bag with me and walking towards the station... As i went inside there was a pin drop silence and everyone was looking at me , I looked down to my clothes realising I'm wearing the same coffee skirt with white tshirt, just the cardigan was missing and i don't really know where did it go .. i don't care about that anyway.

" Hello , Miss ...here take a seat "
the officer called me to his desk , I went and sat there looking at him to continue whatever he wanted to ask .

" So ? Why were you sitting at the bus stop in the middle of the night ?"
He asked while removing his hat and keeping it aside and sitting comfortably. He waited for me to answer so i answered.

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