More than a Family

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"What ?"
He said furiously.

" Can I call you back after sometime?"
I asked ,

" No need "

And hung up ... I sighed and put my phone in my pocket and looked at him ... I really had to ask him if he has any Hugging phobia or touching phobia??. Because he never talks without touching and it is starting to feel creepy now .

" So ?."
I asked him .

" What ?"
He asked .

" You wanted to talk right ??., Go ahead"
I said .

" Ahhh yeahh"

he was about to hold my shoulder when I walked from there and back to my place where my bag and books where kept i sat there and kept my bag beside me so there would be a safe distance between us. He came and stood there seeing me and glancing at my bag too . He smiled and took my bag and kept beside him and sat NXT to me . I folded my hands near my chest so that he won't get any chance to hold . And looked at him waiting for him to start .

But for my faith, He wasn't starting just looking at me like I'm a doll piece .

* Sigh ...

" Why are you looking at me ??.. you said you want to ask something??. You have some questions??. Look we have  half an hour to talk before the class starts so we better start now . I won't be talking to you in class a bit . I need my concentration"
I said and breathed out. Waiting again for him to talk .

" Okay ,. So First of all what do you mean by DAESEKIYA? "
He asked .

" A**hole in Korean "
I said , waiting for the next question.

" You know , Korean language? "
He asked surprised.

" Not much "
I said .

" Who's Kevin?"
His next question.

" The one who came the other day at your house with me "
I said .

" Ahhh.. that man "
He said , remembering.... " You guys are close ??"  He asked, again.

" Emm.."

i tried thinking that , are we close ?.. and thought about our time spent together , a smile creeped my face when i thought about him .

" Hmmm.. yes i guess "
i said .

" Oh " 
he paused.

" NXT question "
  i said , i kinda  like this type of interview.

" You live together?"
He asked .

" Ani... We just work together"
I replied.

" At the call service?" 
I nodded.

" Okayyyyyyyy.... What's your relation between Len and his girlfriend?"

" Why do you want to know about him?"
I asked , a little feeling awkward suddenly.

" Just asking ... The other day I saw so much understanding between you guys that , it never looked like you guys were just friends like i mean - .. you understand what I am trying to say ?"
He said not getting any words to put on a log .

"No problem, i totally understood what you're trying to say ...."
I smiled at him and he smiled.

" Len and me ??.. i don't know how we became soo close soo important to each other, but to put in words it is difficult actually, no words can match what he means to me , but yes he listens to me and protects me he's not afraid of telling me the truth .  he's very very very special for me he's like my back bone ... I can relay on him even if the whole world turns it's back to me . He knows when things aren't right he defends me when I can't , in other words he knows every single thing about me , my feelings, my thoughts, my emotions, my reaction my all . But in the end my biggest fear is that one day we will become complete strangers and there won't be anyone who helps me to get up . And there will never be anyone who could ever take his place . He is my best childhood friend, and my best big brother too . He's my family, more than a family."
I finally looked at him , seeing him looking so fondly at me i giggled asking .

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