His Day

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He looked at me like I'm an idiot.

" From the police station"
he said, nodding his head to himself.

" Not so funny"
she smiled and nodded to him too .

" From your resume"

" Oh " .....


" Am sorry about this morning, i didn't know he would interrupt ...but I have warned him he won't do that again alright? "
I said, assuring him.

" Alright..."
He said playing with his pen .

"Okay then i gotta go "
she said, standing up .

" You remember I asked something for you"

he said playing with his pen still not looking at her , in short he was sulking about something which Ann didn't know yet , how can she know.... Tubelight is her nickname.

" What ?"
She asked confused thinking.

" Nevermind "
he said finally looking at her and stopped playing with his pen .

" Come on i hate when you do that , say if what you asked or else......... Am not going from here "
she said stubbornly standing there folding her arms .

" Your wish "
he said and opened his laptop doing his work .

" Kevinnnnnn at least give me a hint ??? When did you say ?? Where was i ?? Was I in college or here ??or -" ..

"Today ! Morning ! ..... On call !!"
He said finally.

" On call ???......."
She said thinking to herself.


She tried and tried and tried thinking but to no avail . She didn't remember anything sadly when she was about to look at him , he was already looking at her with so much HOPE in his eyes!!. ' shit Ann, what will you say to this baby now ??'

" Actually..... I don't -"

" You should go back to your work now , the manager will be furious if he knows you aren't doing..... You may leave "
he said continuing his work .

"Kevin ... Can't you say-"
she tried convincing but it was her fault anyways...

" You may leave Miss Blake "
he said without looking at her .

She knew, she cannot do anything now ... So she went out and to her desk .

Anne pov :

" Heyy ... Am back "
i said lazily sitting on my chair .

" Hii ?.. everything's good ??. Did the director say anything??"
She asked.

"Yes everything is good , and no he didn't say anything"

i said to Lucy and wore my  headset ready to start my work when Lucy stopped me ...

" Wait before you start your work , i wanted to ask you something "
she said unsure that i wouldn't agree .

" What is it ?.."
i asked , pulling my headset down my neck .

" Can we hangout some day , i know your really really busy , college then job and all but if you can manage some day or weekend?? And. And I want you to meet my fiance too so if you can ??"
She said insisting me like a kid insist in front of their mother for an extra chocolate??. How can I decline her now ,
But suddenly something hit my brain .

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