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After finishing my breakfast .... I asked the nurse who was cleaning the table in the room .

" When can I get discharged?"
She stopped doing her work and turned back smiling.

"Sorry , you have to ask the doctor about that "

she said smiling and continued her work I sigh and i continued eating.... I was in the middle of my meal when the door bang opened making me startled.... looking up only to see the police officer standing tall in front of me .

" You look well now Miss Anne , Glad .... we can have some questions and we are fine "
he said .

" did I do some murder or something??? Just violating a rule doesn't mean you come up every time and ask questions "
i said I don't know why I blabbered and why I was angry suddenly.

" yes you did violate but your bailed should be cleared. you cannot come to the station on your own because of your health, we are here to complete our duty or else we do have a lot of other work to handle too , so we would like to have your Cooperation with us . Can we ask for that "
I rolled my eyes listening to his reply.

" yes , you have my cooperation .... proceed with your DUTY"
i said pressing on the word 'duty' .

" how's your health? "
he asked like he cared .

" you can see .... I'm all Good "
I said , repeating his sentence.

" Glad to see "
he said and extended some papers towards me which I took .

"To complete your bail you have to pay the fine .... it's your chargesheet You may fill the amount in the account of the xxx given below, your luggage and your things will be sent here in some minutes..... that's all *he turned towards the nurse* " we would like to talk to the doctor for the medical receipt and application " he said , the nurse nodded .

" please this way ..."
she said , but before he went out i called him .

" Excuse me" ...
I called the officer.

" yes ? "
he turned back asking confused.

" Can I know your name Officer?"
I asked . looking at him , he smirked , indicating his other colleagues and the nurse to head first so they went out ...... he came a little closer extending his hand and introducing himself.

" Dave Allinson, Chief of the police department .... It wasn't nice meeting you Miss Anne "

i wasn't taken back at all with his behaviour, because he's treating me the same from the start , anyways i wasn't treated good or fine before too whatsoever.

" Thankfully the feelings are Mutual, the reason i asked your name Mr. Allinson is that i wanted to tell you to try cultivating your communication skills because you suck at that . It shows how rude and arrogant a person you are !!!"

I said rolling my eyes at him. He just chuckled and put his hands inside his pocket , not accepting his greeting at all , walking around the room he looked everywhere like he was in a museum or something ? . I just fold my hands , not so waiting for his reply.

" well ... you see Miss Anne to be genuine it's been nearly 8 to 9 years since I'm working in this field, seeing a lot of inappropriate or ill mannered people or some (he turned back facing me from looking at the frame hung on the wall ) some KIDS made us act rude and arrogant......( I looked at him with ' FROM WHERE THE HELL DO I LOOK LIKE A KID TO YOU ?' he ignored and continued looking around) or even if we behave well or nicely people won't fear us , you know the great adventure of this career is to great fear between people... serving and protecting them is one too but Fear is different. Fear makes people weak but they don't understand them not fearing us Makes us weak ...."
he said looking so intensely without Blinking, i don't know why but his way of talking or the words he just said felt like they were directing to something else. But what? No Idea. ....

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