Different from others

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Anne POV:

*Tringg * Tringg * tringgggg ..... shit God  Who the hell turned on the alarm??? I asked myself , getting annoyed by the sound .

*Tringg tringggg tringgggg* tringgggg...

" urghhhhhh..... fine , fine ,fine... I'm up !!! "
i shouted to the alarm who was busting as if he would keep quiet if I shouted.

Turning off the alarm, and sitting up correctly. I closed my eyes again resting my head on the board.  Question myself, if it's worth waking up today ?? Or it would go the worst as the other days...Trying to remember what happened? Or where I was in my life .... doing a day to day life routine, then slowly slowly realising that . I have moved out from His house, the thought made me awake full and wide , sighing i Was again going to sleep when something hit me ...

*gasp !!!!

"MY COLLEGE !!!...SHIT !! , I have to take the bus . I don't even know when the bus will arrive or which bus ?? Or at how much period it would take to reach . Shit !!! "
i shouted confused to myself getting up from my bed . I again kneeled down , searching for my phone....

" where the hell did I keep it ??... what was i doing??? Last night?? . Wait !!! I came with Kevin last night ."

Everything flashed back in my head , his confession.... him crying , me becoming emotional. Then we came home , fruits... me laying my  head on his shoulder and then ???

" shit !!! I slept????, a guest was in my apartment for the first time , and i slept without ....- shit Ann!!! He's KEVIN!!!.. nothing will happen. "
I said and stood up taking a look at my phone Only to realise.

" wait , is my phone working properly?? ... why is it showing 6 : 30 ???"
I slapped my phone on my palm , but to no avail... it was working correctly. I sighed thinking Kevin set the alarm so early , i was about to go to sleep when i noticed something.... in the room !!!.

" wait!!! From where the hell does this furniture come ???"

I looked at it being surprised... but melting at the same point because of the cuteness.  But afraid that someone came inside my apartment at night what if something is stolen??? Should I move out soon ?? .... i thought of consequence that might happen. But sat on the soft sofa chair resting my legs on the small puff .

" Aaaahhhhhh !!!!  This is comfortable too .... but wait , did Kevin do this ???"
I asked myself feeling anger rushing into me slowly. I pulled my phone out dialling his number..

After a ring or two he picked .

" Good Morning , Princess... Did you sleep well ?"

I didn't expect him to call me with that Nick name, he never gave me one . But to be truthful, i was angry when I called him , but not anymore instead I was smiling like a teenager who just got a good morning msg from her boyfriend. But Kevin isn't my boyfriend. I said to myself....

" what is all this ??"
I tried my best , to show that I was angry...

" what princess??"
He acted like he didn't know anything.

" the sofa Armchair, the table .... and the rug ?? , what is all this Kevin ??, and why is the eye mask and ear muff on my face and ears?? "
I asked,  looking at the stuff on the bed .

" just that ???. Didn't you see something more Princess ??"
He asked smiling, i can feel his smile ..

" More ???"
He hummed .

" like ???."
I asked being confused.

" Alright, get up from that cute lazy bean bag , and check the kitchen Island "
i did what I was told to do ,... but when I went there , i found a note which said .

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