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" Am sorry, but let's stop here ??. And yes you're forgiven. Let's meet again if we are destined too till then Goodbye Mr. Wilson "

I said removing my hand from his and getting inside my car and driving away.

"Ahhh i have just half an hour left ."

Reaching home I threw everything . purse, my phone , my hospital report and went straight to my room stripped myself. Had a quick shower . Wore something casual and ran down the living room , took my purse cell phone and off to the parking space. When I was about to sit in my car .

" Shit . My resume !!!"

I smack my head . I got down ran inside the house went to my room and took my resume, while I was passing by the mirror I saw my reflection .

" Damn Ann.. you idiot forgot to do your hair ??"
I said combing my hair and letting it down simply. And was off to the interview.

As i reached the call service, i parked my car and got off , running inside asking the receptionist and reaching the floor .

Here I'm waiting for the manager . Because he went somewhere and because I came late . Just 5 minutes late ..

After waiting for another 10 minutes... I was so nervous that , What if he went home? It's the weekend anyway. No no Ann if he would have , his secretary would have said . Okay then but what if he asks some difficult questions??. What if I won't get this job no no .. think positive, Everything will be alright- .

" Miss Blake, you may go in "
His assistant said .

" Thank you sir ."
He just smiled.

* Knock knock

" May I come in Sir .?"
I asked .

" Yes , please."
The manager said , and I went in .

" Please take a seat Miss "
i obeyed and settled down .

" So , first of all . You are late for the interview. Am i right Miss ?"
He said all serious .

" Am really sorry Sir, and yes I'm late . I apologise for my mistake. Actually my tier got a puncture in the middle of the road soo . Had to fix that and then arrived here ... " .
I said , lie dripping of my mouth .... but i cannot say that i forgot my resume and to do my hair right??.

" You know you cannot give lame reasons for the customers if you by chance get appointed " .
He said , arrogantly.

" I know sir .. I am really sorry -"
I was cut off.

" Let's start the interview.!"
He said suddenly, i nodded gulping.

Calming down myself, though I was freaking out. Just breathe Ann, Focus ' you need this job ' .

" So , May i know your name first ?"
He asked , what the hell didn't he read my resume . Does he think I just came here in place of someone?.

" Am Anne Blake "
I said smiling.

" Okay , Miss Blake. Why do you want to join this job ?
He asked , casually.

" Simple Sir . for Money "
i said honestly.

" And why this particular job ? , You can get money from any source."
He said , shrugging.

" Yes I can get money from any source but , i want to do that particular job . Which I'm capable of and as in my point of view I am a good socialized person, i can convince people and make them realise their fault if it is . Or will gladly apologize if it is our company's mistake or mine."
I said .

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