❄Vergil's Presence❄

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Creepy moments warning

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Creepy moments warning. I wanted to add a bit of Halloween feelings. I find October till even December season can have the best creepy vibes when it comes to stories.

"See you later Nero." I was slowly swinging myself out of the van. Gripping the side.

"Wait? you are not coming with us??"

I shake my head. "Nah not this time. I want to walk myself home."

This may have been my biggest mistake, but if I was in horrible danger I could always let Vergil know. Not that I wanted.

"Ha.. okay, just careful out there. The demons are restless more than usual. Maybe because of Vergil."

"Right." I waved to the group and headed out on my own feet.

Walking down the corner of the brick streets, I head to Vergil's home. In case I saw him I would think of an excuse along the way. Maybe he was still at work though? The coat Vergil gave me similar to his swayed in the breeze as I walked.

I heard the snapping sound of something in the distance. I instantly stopped to look around. A trash case rolled out onto the middle of the street. Out of crawled a demon. There was blood dripping off it's back. Sadly the thing spotted me.

"...ssspparda......I smell...spparda."

I swallowed. "Great..." It's because I literally lived with one. Not wanting to stick around. I quickly turned down another alley and began to run for it. All I needed to do was avoid it and get to my home without getting caught.

Picking up my feet. I ran faster and faster. I could hear the sounds of clicking and movement. I was being followed. I glanced back from the corner of my eye. The stupid demon brought friends. Bugs to flying ones. They looked awful though. almost like a zombie. There was more blood than usual.

"Nope, no way, absolutely not!" there was no way I would let those things catch me. I could hear them whisper among themselves. "Come back...human...come back..."

"Ssssparda..'s blood..." I didn't understand couldn't they tell I wasn't actually a sparda? Something was setting them off badly.

Taking a sharp turn in the last alley. My feet burned as I tried to keep myself going. these zombie demons were not giving up so easily. I swear there were more than usual. Sliding a bit off my feet I took off. I just needed to go straight, it was the open road ahead with forest on the sides.

I was getting almost there.

I could see the door now. I ran and ran pushing my legs to keep up. I was slowing down a bit, I was so tired. My throat hurt from the cold air.

"Up the deck, up the deck." I just needed to get up to the large doors swing them open fast, and slam it.

I was able to give some space between me and the demons, but they were still dangerously close. I took my first step up the deck of Vergil's home, but my foot slipped.

*THUD!* I went down hitting myself off the step. I let out a sharp hiss. My legs shook as I pulled myself up. "Get up getup!"

Awkwardly in pain, I stumbled up the steps. Grabbed the handle. There were only as few short meters left between me and the demons.

I swung the door open and threw myself inside. Slamming the door behind me, and quickly locked it.

A loud crashing sound comes from the other side. It shook the doors a bit.

The demons skidded across the deck one by one and crashed into the door. 

I looked up at the glass window from the ground.

Seeing blood splattered across the glass window. I didn't understand how, because I never cut them down. I backed away, praying the door would hold. I was afraid they could see me through the glass, so I dragged myself across the ground till I  was away from the window.

"S-shit...uh...this is enough.. I need a drink." I tried to calm my rapid heartbeat and made my way to the kitchen. Not caring if anyone was home, or what. I needed to get these chills off me. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen, gripping the walls a bit. I was sore from smashing into the deck's steps.

During this. I was unaware that Vergil just arrived home, and the sound of the front door slamming suddenly. He was finally free from Dante's wrath of work and wanted to enjoy some peace. He could hear the sound of the phone ringing in his damn sleep at this point. Sighing sharply Vergil picked his book off the floor. The sound alarmed the man and made him drop it.

 His eyes narrowed while the man grabbed his Yamato heading to the front entrance.

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now