🌙Devils Don't Cry Part6🌙

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Nero and Dante come back using the front door for once in the hotel. They bust in all happy, not realizing I was asleep.

"She's not here." Nero looked around with his eyes.

"Wait check her room." Dante was making his way there when Nero stopped him. "Oh no you don't. I'll go, you make food."

"Ha..fine..!" Dante threw his hands up and walked away.

Nero carefully peeked into the room I was snoozing in. What he saw was shocking though. There I was not even under the sheet, laying flat on the bed with a familiar jacket on top. 'It couldn't be.' He thought. That was impossible. Nero took a small step closer to have a better look. Not realizing I began to awake a bit. I could hear the sounds of footsteps, so I didn't move just lay there.

It was true though, as much as Nero couldn't swallow it, that indeed was his father's jacket on top of me. There was no mistaking that style. 'When did he?, why on earth was he here.' 

Nero's blue eyes stopped at the small blue vial on the bed. That also looked oddly something Vergil would have. This sorta made Nero wonder what his father was planning. Was there something he missed? This was so strange and very unlike Vergil to act like this. Sensing he overstayed his welcome in the room Nero backed out quickly. Shutting the door he walked away shaking his head. Meanwhile, Dante caught a glimpse of his face while chopping veggies up for food.

"You look like you saw a ghost." Teased Dante. "Hmm..., Vergil was here." Dante nearly dropped the knife from his hand. Shock was written all over his face. "How do you know that?"

"___, sh-she had something of his. There is no mistaking it." Dante was about to go into the room. "No wait, she seemed fine. Just sleeping." Nero stopped him. "This is so unlike him, weird..why would my brother be here again?"

"Eventually we might know, for now just act normal." Nero advised. 

I woke up after a long nap. 'That's better...' I told myself. Lifting up myself I yawned stretching out my arms. I sleepily walked out of the room, with the coat of that Vergil still on me. The icy blue gemstone necklace was also on my neck that Vergil gave me. I was greeted by two faces, Nero and Dante. No matter how hard they tried I could tell their faces told me that Vergil was here. I just acted normal though.

"Hi, want some food?" Nero greeted. "Sure, I sit down on the chair." I could tell Dante was looking in my direction. Of course, he knew that was his brother's coat.

I ate my food I peace finally. Starving I shovelled down a bunch of food, and tea. Making the boys just gawk at me. 

Out of nowhere, there was a weird rumbling sound. I telt the room tilt. "What now? I just want to eat!" I complained. "Demons..!" Dante looked outside. "They are trying to tear the building down, time to go." Dante.

"Ugh..!" I sighed. Zipping up Vergil's coat, and taking a sip of the blue vial meds he gave me, I chug my tea. Nero blinks. "Good??" "Now I am, lets get this over with."

"Hurry jump!" The building began to tilt again. The furniture began to slide. "Grab on!" Nero had no choice, he pulled me close. Grabbing hold of my waist he jumped. I gripped onto his leather jacket. The air blasted me in the face as we flew out of the window.

While that was going on, the gemstone necklace began to signal to Vergil that something was wrong. Me completely forgot that was a thing.  

"Keep moving Nero! These walls won't hold, get out as far as you can, I'll take care of the demons for now." Dante half-ordered. Nero as much as not liking to take orders from his uncle, he agreed. For my safety, he tried to get me out.

"Look out!!" A huge part of a building began to collapse beside us. "No! Run___!" Nero pushed me forward trying to shield me from the building. This was all he could do, as the building fell separating us. Smaller parts of the rubble fell above me. I gasped, I had to push on and run. "Oh no." I jumped forward, not having a choice.

It happened all so fast, the dust was flying up, getting in my eyes. *CRASH!* Everything went dark around me. There was a strangely loud cutting sound.

"I am the storm that is approaching." A deep voice said, but I couldn't see who. I was dark. I let out a small cough. 'What was that?' I tried to look for the light. It was as if I was buried underground. "N-Nero..?" I whimpered. Where was the silver-haired boy. Poor guy has a hard time guarding me.

"Are you alright?" That same deep voice said. I moved my head up, but still saw darkness. "I can't see, w-who?" 

"Hm." A small spark of blue light flashed lighting up my vision. I could finally make out who it was. The figure was above me holding up the crushed rubble. "V-Vergil." Gasped.

"Move forward." I slid forward on my stomach right away. Seeing I was out of the way. He dropped the rubble with a  loud crash. He still had that flickering blue flame for light though. I sat there on the ground coughing a bit from the dust.

"Why do you seem surprised, I said I will come if you in danger."  His words did surprise me. "I guess I didn't know what to believe then." I tried to focus on him with that small light. He lightly smiled below that stern look of his, he seemed almost sad saying I didn't believe him.

'Wait did he just? noo way.' 

 "Where are we?" I asked him. 

"Underground, the building fell above us, pushing the street below ground." He walked closer. " I can smell it."

"Huh? smell what?" 

"Your wound is bleeding again." 'OH dammit.' I sighed It never had time to fully heal. " I could help seal it a bit, if you like. Demons are drawn to blood, it's not safe."

~Above Ground

"Dammit! I lost her again." Nero hits his fist in the ground. Upset that he wasn't able to fully guard me, he felt like he failed. Now he had to figure out where the hell I was. He remembered the feeling of me gripping onto his leather jacket, asking for help. Now he wasn't there to help.

"I swear I'll find you."

-To Be Continued

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