❄Calm and collected, not raging flames! 🌹Part 3

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( I have a lot of info to move around for this book and Metal Gear ( Raiden One) So it may take a while to update. I will try to update at least once a week)

"Are you finished yet!?" Dante yells at Vergil.

They were fighting for about an hour. Blowing off steam, while I sat there on the sidelines watching. Wondering when they would stop.

"PFt, where's your motivation Daante?!" Vergil tried to stab the floor with his sword. Instead, it just pinged off the hard-tone ground and fell to the ground.

"S-Seriously....I'm just going to go if you two aren't done yet..." I stood up and was about to walk out.

"Wait." I heard Vergil's loud voice. It stopped me in my tracks. I didn't turn to look at them. I was getting bored and wanted a drink, seeing as I wasn't doing anything. Sure It's interesting to see them fight, but...I thought I was going to be involved in this too.

"Hm..what?" I replied.

"Dante. Let's end this. Someone here is unhappy with our performance."

'Oh sure oft, ignore me.' I roll my eyes.

"Very well. So what is next?"

"You started this, what drills did you have in mind."


"Royal guard!" *Ching!* "Royal Guars! * Ching!*

"That heck Dante! I can't do nothing if you keep doing that."

Dante grinned once more, I thought he was going to let me take a swing at him but, the second I got closer to him.

He had to open his big mouth. "RRR......ROYAL GUARD!"

*CHING!* I was shoved back again. Vergil stepped in behind me to stop me from falling. "Okay, enough of that nonsense." Sighing Vergil kneeled down and picked up my sword, and placed it in my sheeth.

"Huh? I need my sword you know??" I looked at him in disbelief, that he took my sword away. Instead, he shoved his Yamato to my face.

"Use this instead."

"OHoho bro, you can't just-"

"Silence...well_____? Show him the power of this blade in a human's hand."

"W-won't it posses me...? I mean it's..."

Vergil shakes his head. "No, even if it would try. I would take it away by that."

"Okay..then." I slowly unsheathed the blade. I had to be careful though. This thing was very sharp.."

"I have faith in you..." Vergil muttered as he grabbed the sheath at took it from me.

'Please don't possess me, please don't possess me..' I probably wouldn't but Vergil is part demon, even if it could, he was more in control of this than me. He was its master.

"_____." Dante's voice called to me.


He tilted his head." Uhh okay..Are you ready?"

I nod, Dante instantly flies super fast at me. "WOAh hEY!

"BLOCK!" Vergil yells from the sidelines. I quickly put the sword up, the sharp side away from me. *CHING!*

I skid back on my feet. "Hey! that's not fair. I'm not like you Dante." My heart began to race, as stress filled me.

"That may be true, but the Yamato is..powerful..." I heard Vergil mutter.

"Hahah, round two!" He backed up with his devil sword, taunting me a bit.

'Nice smooth cuts...nice smooth movements...' I tried to remember what Vergil taught me.

I walked quickly toward Dante and raised the Yamato. I only brought it down a bit, because I was still getting used to the weight.

*CHING!* I swear I felt this sword's power rush through it, as it yanked my arm forward the second it hit Dante's weapon.

Dante simply slid it to the side, and the Yamato's ti[ptouched the ground with a thud. 'I felt how effortless this sword's power was...even for me.'

"Hold onto it tight, and focus! Let the sword do the thinking." 'W-what??' I blinked hearing Vergil's words.

I lif it up again, and push it towards Dante. Once again I felt Yamato tug at me. While it came down it let out a sharp cutting sound as it hit DAnte's block. Witha swift movement, Dante moved to the side and lifted his arm. Shoving me back into the ground with more force.

"Ugh.!" I hissed, I used the Yamato as a cane and stood up. I feel the wind get knocked out of me a bit.

'Okay, Yamato...let's try again..' I held it out to the side behind my back with both my arms out. I remember seeing Vergil stand like this before. I run towards Dante. "Huh?" Dante tilted his head.

I begin to swing, feeling it yank me once again. I remember Vergil telling me to let the sword lead me once swung. It may help because it has a lot of demonic powers.

As if it was in slow motion. I gasped as I swept Dante right off his feet. The man lands with a loud thud. I looked at my hands, seeing the sword glow a bit of an icy blue.

"Haha, that's right. Make him eat his pizza." Vergil began to fangirl in the back, pleased to see me take a decent wack at his brother.

"Yamato..." I looked at the glowing blue around it.

"Vergil...." Dante peeled himself off the ground.

"Interesting." Vergil chimed 

"How much training did you give ___ with your sword."

"I will not reveal that.. " Vergil stepped next to me and placed his hands on the Yamato's hilt. I began to question what he was doing. "Just a little more power.....crouch down...and cut up...try it.." Vergil backed up once again.

Yamato felt lighter..., but I could feel something change as I held it there.

'..okay focus...'

"Again!" I tell Dante from the distance.

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now