Cold Confusion Part 4

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I watched Vergil sit there on the tree branch below quietly. He stopped breathing heavily. A warm breeze of air blew at my face. What was he thinking about?

Moments later I saw Vergil stand onto his feet. He sheathed his sword and put it two his side. He quietly turned around in my direction and tilted his head up to where I stood above. His face looked soft, he didn't seem angry at all. He slightly downcasted his icy coloured eyes. He started to climb up the tree. One branch at a time he gripped it with his strong arms, pulling himself up. He had his yamato tucked away in his jacket as he climbed.

I winced a bit at the sight of him showing up on the same large tree branch as me. Meters away he stood, his eyes cast down a bit. I backed up as far as I could. What did he want??

He approached me slowly, he still kept his head down a  bit, his eyes didn't look at me. I couldn't go back any farther, I was on the edge. Still, the cold man closed in on me, still not making eye contact.

He stopped about two steps away from me. I was utterly shocked to see him suddenly pull his katana out of his coat, setting it backwards in his hand. He got down on one knee, with his other arm up on his knee. He bowed his head down to me lightly, still, he didn't look me dead in the eyes. 'W-what is he.?!' I was lost with words. Vergil was bowing to me, a lowly weak human in his eyes. He swallowed, as his raspy, soft voice spoke.

" I was a fool. I should have dealt with this sooner. Do not blame Griffon for his actions, blame me for being ...stupid for not controlling my family better. He is a creature that needs guidance."

My chest hurt at what the man before me was saying. I gripped my fist, not sure what to do. I still had no idea what to say.

"I apologize for...what happened." He looked up at me now. It was awkward I couldn't look him in the face now. I averted my eyes from him. Vergil didn't move, he still kneeled there. "I was also a fool for pushing you away..., for how I treated you at times. I am aware that I can be cold, and distant. I know you seem to enjoy my presence V. My human side is nicer...and closer to you. Still I-" Vergil wanted me to face him, but he couldn't force me to. Leas tI could hear what he was saying, that was good enough for him.

"I have.., taken a liking to you.., ever since..that time I found you underground in the tunnel in the city streets. I understand the others.., and my brother takes up much of your time, they may even like you just as I. Will you spare me some more of your time? I know It may be too much to hear this right now. Can you at least accept the apology of this fool? miss _____."

I couldn't take the way he spoke. It was too much, he looked like he was falling apart. A stuck-up, cold man like him suddenly acting like this. My stomach a fuzzy feeling. Still, he did..hurt me.

" Stand up, man." I said in a low voice. Flinching a bit, he adjusted himself and straightened up.

", you made me so angry. I was ready to just ignore you." I was telling him the honest truth. Vergil took it like a man though. "I accept your apology though, but you better tell Dante what happened. for your feelings, I need to think about it."

Vergil nods his head. "If that is what you wish. I'll do so." I walked up to Vergil. I had dried crusted blood around my injured eye still after Griffon reopened it. "You Big Dummy." I swung my one arm over his neck and yanked his head down in this crushing half hug.

"Can I say one thing?"

"What." I replied. "It if we move. The blood will attract more, I can't fight much at the moment."

"Oh, uh sure."

I rode Crimson back, Making Vergil sit on the horse with me. We were going to ride back to Dante's office and explain this crap to him. I did remember seeing him when I passed by him earlier. It was only for a flashing second though. I wasn't sure how I felt about Vergil's feelings yet though. It's nice knowing he likes me, but I was complicated a bit. I needed time to think about it. Maybe even talk to Nero and Dante about it.

-To Be Continued

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