❄Vergil's Kindness❄ Part 1

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( Here is another chapter because I found some of my motivation

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( Here is another chapter because I found some of my motivation.)

"We should return now," Vergil said to us. "Yeah..sounds about right." Dante could feel his head hurt more than usual. Vergil's punch really did do a number on him.

"Nero, saddle up were heading back," Dante said. Nero rolled his eyes and grabbed his horse's reins.

"One moment Nero." Vergil looked back at me. The tall ice devil man walked to me. Scanning his eyes over me to see if I was wounded. "No..visible marks..." Vergil mumbled.

'I shouldn't mention my neck..' I was starting to get a headache as well. Vergil tried to give me soft small smile. It was weak though. He was in pain. Seeing Vergil so... peaceful but also in pain. Kinda hurt. Dante's test broke him a bit.

"I...am sorry..for letting this happen. Are you a-alright?" Vergil was stuttering, I was shocked. I looked at the hole in his side, that was seeping blood lightly now. His demonic self healed better than a human. Dante stabbing Vergil while I faced away chilled me.

If Dante missed or changed his mind. He could have killed me, but he did not...

"I should be asking you that," I said quietly. I knew the others were listening. Vergil paused for a moment. "I will live..., thanks for the concern. Tell me...did he hurt you..? I just can't see."

I shake my head. This made Vergil breathe a bit lighter. "May I...?" Vergil awkwardly stood there with his hands out. I tilted my head, he wanted a hug.

I averted my eyes a bit and slowly walked towards him. This was the least I could do. I was more comfortable around V. Vergil knew that.

Vergil very carefully put his arms around my back. My lip twitched a bit, seeing his wound so close to me, and the blood. Vergil wasn't as cold as he use to be. His icy walls were melting. I stepped away from him.

"Nero, take my horse with you. I will ride back with ____ on that demonic stallion."

"Is that alright?" Vergil asked for my permission. I nod my head." Ah fine...Dante hurry up..!" "Working on it...tch." Dante's migraine killing him, he lazily climbed up onto the horse.


"Hmm??" The man in red leather looked at me. I smiled a bit at him. He got the message, it was my way of saying thanks. Thanks for not killing me, but also to see if his brother was true or a liar.

"Take us back safely," Vergil asked the demonic horse. "Yes sir," Crimson replied. Vergil swung himself up onto the back of the horse. Then he held a gloved hand out to me.

"Come..I'll help you."

"Y-you want to be in front? are you sure, your injured?"

Vergil's voice softened a bit. "My injuries are not a hindrance...just let me do this." I understood, and reach my hand out.

He carefully had me sit up behind him. I didn't realize just how tired I was till I sat down. 'Ugh....man...my neck. I wasn't even fighting but I'm so sore...'

After we turned in the horses. Vergil had the demonic horse take me and him back. Leaving Nero to walk back with Dante. I stayed quiet on the way back.

"...would you like some tea upon our return?" Vergil's voice kinda just swooshed over my head. As if I didn't hear him. Vergil went quiet after that, he knew I wasn't trying to ignore him. It was the state I was in.


Inside the house.

I asked Nero if he could boil some water for us. Make some soup if he could. While I told these disgusting bloody covered men to shower. I wouldn't treat their wounds till they did.

Once again the two brothers hung their heads looking offended, and shy. My head was hurting and I just really wanted to get this over with.

The brothers sat down after their shower in Vergil's living room. "I had made the soup you wanted ___. I'm not sure how good it is, but a friend of mine wrote this recipe so I tried it."

"Thanks, Nero, I'm sure it's fine." I smiled.

"Ahh hello...? we are bleeding to death here." Dante cut off Nero and I.

"Dante zip it. Do not bother ____."

"PFt you sure?? I mean look at yourself, bro. You are about to bleed all over the sofa." An annoyed tick mark hit Vergil's face. He kept composure though for ____'s sake.

I sigh and grabbed the roll of bandages Nero handed me, along with a cleaning cloth.

"You two never learn...do you..?"

"....." Vergil stayed quiet, while he glanced at Dante. Dante only shook his head. "Children..." I muttered.

They slumped down even more in their seats.

"Okay.. Dante. Here, painkillers. I assume your head hurts no?" Dante sleepily reached out to take them. "Ah yes thank you.."

"Keep this clothe on your head. Also no drinking, it could make your concussion worse."

"Fiiinne....." He sighed. There wasn't much I could do about his slipt lip. It would have to heal on it's own. "Oh one more thing."

"Hm? What's that??"

*Smack!* I slapped Dante's back making him nearly choke. "Never do that again! I thought I was going to die! Do you know how scary it is to have a blade like that near your throat??"

"OOOuch...!" Dante hissed

"Ahh..well...I can't die so easy.."

"WELL, I CAN!" I sighed. Dante flinched a bit. "...r-right...but I made sure you wouldn't."

"Oh forget it...I have a headache-" 'OOps....' Vergil's eyes land on me. I didn't tell him....

It was Vergil's turn to get patched up. He pushed his hair back a bit. Staying still in an upright seating position He said nothing while I cleaned the blood. It was gross to see this wound...but. I tried not to look too long.

I pulled the bandages tightly around Vergil's waist. He suddenly flinched. He said nothing but flinched. I glanced at his eyes while I tilted my head. Wondering what was wrong.

"Ha..! he's much of a baby to say that hurts." Dante laughed.

"Oh......I see.." It must be hurting him. I tried ot be more careful. "Don't mind him, I'm fine." Vergil muttered. He looked a bit defeated, but maybe he was just tired.

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now