❄Dragging The Family❄ Part 3

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I peacefully was reading my book, only glancing out the window next to me. I saw a group of men. Some were wearing black. They looked like thugs. 'Are there more? in the store already?'

My breath hitched inside me. I shut my book and quickly moved back from the window. Trouble was brewing once again. I haven't seen Vergil in a while he must be camping somewhere in the store. He loved books.

I went in between the ills. When a tall figure in my black crossed my path. 'Impossible, they are already here??' I stayed quiet and had my head down, hoping he would pass by and ignore me. What would they even want with me?

Quietly I stepped aside and backed up acting like I was looking for a book. When I felt a hand land on my shoulder. It scared the living crap out of me. I glanced up only for a moment, but that scent of soap and leather made me remember who this was.

I wanted to just ignore Vergil , but the way he stood there. Something was not right. "That man is possessed.." It trialed off his voice.

'G-greatt...so even the thugs get possessed.'

The thug tried to walk by us. His hand suddenly reached out trying to grab onto my sleeve, and yank me away from Vergil.

With a loud crack, Vergil slapped the thug's hand away and quickly teleported backward with me. Giving me that odd feeling of weightlessness. I was not used to teleporting. Thankfully I was not going to throw up from it, It took more than that.

"Hey, buddy what's the big idea?" The thug glared at Vergil. Vergil only looked at him, his eyes seemed to almost glowing with sharp icy blue. He tried to not cause an issue in the store, and ruin the books.

'Get away human..' Vergil mentally cursed. He was not happy. Vergil tried walking away with me, his grip firm on my wrist following us through. 'UGH!' i sighed in annoyance in my head.

Then I felt some very harsh grip on my other wrist. 'NO!' My eye widen, as I was yanked back hard. Making Vergil halt. 'The hhEELL?'  His eyes looked back at my direction. It was one second flat, Vergil snapped his strong hand onto the thug's making the man hiss in pain, as he let me go.

One mistake jsut one miskate. Vergil did not notice till it was too late, the window closest to us was wide open. Those sneaky ass thugs caused this. Vergil panicking tossed me backward a little too strongly. Causing me to go flying right out the window.

"HAAHAHA!!" The thugs saw this, making Vergil gasp in horror, seeing what he just did. My voice was caught inside my throat as I was tossed out like a rag doll.

"Die!" Vergil snapped. That was it, he had to do something quickly. Using his strength he shoved the men back into the bookshelf and ran for it, jumping out the window right after me.

"Haha! You think that will help, son of Sparda! We got this place surrounded!!" The possessed men laughed in a demonic voice.

My back was towards the ground, as I fell in the air. I see Vergil lunge out, cracking the glass next to him. He roared deep inside with rage. I could see his eyes glow.

'Is he gonna even make it to me? Where are Dante and Nero?' Surely they heard the glass crack, or the commotion coming from here. They had sharp senses.

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now