🌹The Blood Game part 3❄

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I pulled the dagger out from under the sheets. It was actually quite beautiful. Vergil did have a good eye for lovely things.  I looked down at the note that was attached to it.

It was written in Vergil's lovely handwriting.

~ Vergil

I understand If you wish to be alone for a while.

 I apologize if I frightened you. I hope you can understand that I just want to help.

Please accept this dagger as a gift, it will give you some protection. 

The note was surprisingly nice to read. I felt a bit better.  I wasn't sure what I was gonna do with Vergil at the moment though. 

"Vergil's coat..is still here.." I touched the fabric. "Ugh..what a weird day. Forget about sleep, I want to explore a bit." I slipped on my boots and put Vergil's coat on. Stuffing the dagger inside the pocket. I shuffled quietly out of my room. 

This place was huge. In the distance, I could hear the voices of the guys. Sounded like tv or card games. My guess was they were chilling at this point.

I tip-toed down the hall away from where their voices came from. Remembering I left the glass of blood on the table in the room. 'Not yet.., even if I need to some time. Not yet.' I told myself.

The house smelt clean, maybe slight hints of lavender. I was funny to think Vergil liked the simple scents like that, along with candles. A great idea popped into my head. 'If there is a Library I'll go hide there!' He just has to have books somewhere in this place.

To my luck, there was a library. Quietly I opened the door trying to not make a squeak. This place had two floors. I thought going up was the best.  I could chill in here for a while, and see what happens. Spotting a latter I went up. I wanted to find a corner where I could hide and sit on the floor, and still see the door in case someone came in. There was one window nearby.

"Huh..finally." Away from the men, I slid down into a place picking up ( name of book). Nice peaceful room, smelt clean. 


The men were done with this gaming session of cards. "Ugh no more..I need a break." Nero slapped his cards down. 

"Aw upset that you lost? hehe" Dante teased.

"No way!"

"You need more motivation." Vergil added. Making Nero roll his eyes. "Pft." Nero walked away to get a drink of water.

"Round ten then!" Dante beamed. Vergil shuffled the cards real good, smirking at Dante. "Hehe, you think you can beat me?" Shuffled it, again and again, messing with Dante. "Just hurry up."

Nero rolled his eyes again and left the room. He thought he was going to go check up on ___. Letting the two brothers knock some sense into each other. It's cards what damage can they do with cards right? Checking to make sure his red queen was securely placed on his back. He knew this place was safe for the most part, but never know where demons can pop up. SO he always kept it close just in case. Nero made it up the hall getting closer to the room is was borrowing. What Dante and Vergil missed to notice was that he swapped the snacks off the table. A few cookies and chips should help lighten someone who was feeling down. Nero knew ____ particularly like chocolate cookies. ( If you don't like chocolate cookies, just input some other flavour :) )

Nero took a deep breathed and knocked on the door. * Knock knock* There was no reply. 'Sleeping?' He peaking his head in slowly. There was a lump on the bed, but it seemed different. He know he shouldn't but did anyways. He tiptoed into the room. He looked down to the bed, thinking he would see me. He was wrong. "Escaped again..oh boy. The room didn't seem like I was in trouble, just assumed I went out. Thinking he should keep it away from his uncle and dad. Nero walked out of the room, closed the door like nothing happened and went to see if he find where I was. 

~Back To My Pov

It had no idea how long I was here reading my book it was comfortable here. Thinking of a new idea my eyes landed on a big light above the center of the room. If what Vergil said was true. I could technically jump onto it no problem. Shutting the book I walked over to the ledge. Standing up on the railing I aimed for the light. I bent my knees and launched myself up like a cat. "Woah...that was cool." In seconds I was up on top of the light. I swung gently from my weight, looking secure I sat down on a flat part. Not going to lie this was fun. If anyone came in here they probably wouldn't see me way up here right away. I just leaned back and enjoyed the view. 

~15 min later

I heard the sound of footsteps from outside. My eyes snapped open. Listening for the sound. It stopped right outside the door. I took in a deep breath and stopped moving as my eyes focused on the door. It slowly swung open with a creak. It was the boy Nero, with his red queen on his back. He closed the door behind him. I didn't move as his eyes scanned the room, he walked closer to where I was above him. I thought I was safe for a while, he seemed to enjoy the look of the peaceful room. Then he looked up. 'Ccrap..' It took him a moment to process what and who he saw. "The..heck. How did you-." He blinked. Game over, I was ready to hear a whole list of why I shouldn't of left my room. "Haha, so that's where you went cool." He suddenly lept up to me a blue light demon arm grabbing the frame, pulling him up next to me. I stayed quiet, but felt a bit better seeing how I wasn't in trouble?

"Nice spot you got here. "He spotted a leather book in my hand. "Dad's books. So you wanted to get out, don't blame you." He smiled lightly. "Aaah so I'm not dead?" "Pft, nah I won't say or do nothing. Mind if I chill here too?" I nod. "Sure." "Great!" Nero plopped down on the other half of the light so it balanced out the weight. "Hey how about we play a game?" My head turned to my friend. "Game? like what." "Mhm, a game to see how long it will take them to find us. We can hide from them. It will be fun! mess with them a little." Nero grinned. "That sounds fun actually." I pointed at a window. "We can head out there in case it gets too crazy." "Sweet, here I'll open it a bit so it's ready." Nero hopped on over to the window and jumped back to me. "Here you can have these too." "Food..!" My eyes widen. Thanking Nero I took it from him and began to eat. "Now we wait." I offered Nero a cookie meanwhile. 

Just how long will it take for them to notice we left?

~To Be Continued🌷🌹

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ