🔥Melting The Ice🌹

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Vergil was going to walk by me when I stopped him. "Vergil." The man glanced back at me, his eyes staring into my soul. "W-who is V?"

Vergil froze, he gave me a face I have never seen before. A hesitant face.

 A hesitant face

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"How do you know that?" Vergil half hissed at me. His eyes went icy again.

"I found out..., why haven't you said a thing?" I began to slowly raise my voice not liking the tone Vergil saw giving me.

Meanwhile, Dante, and Nero winced in their rooms. Feeling the air go cold. 'Ohh..boy...this is gonna a be a big one..' Dante told himself.

"Nero..." Growled Vergil. "It wasn't his fault, I want to know. Who is he?" I glared at Vergil a bit. He shot me back a small glare too. Vergil sighed and began to speak.

"V...is my human side..." 

"Why didn't you tell me this? I thought you trusted me." I was starting to lose it bit by bit on Vergil. "Because I didn't want to burden you more, he is gone now."

"How did he come to be?" I pushed on. Vergil started to dislike all these questions.

"I stabbed myself, separating my human side from my devil side."

I cracked. My eyes widen in shock."You stabbed yourself!?" I raised my voice.

"Yes." Vergil tried to hold his composure. My voice began to rise up. That was not enough.


"Tch.., I had to. I was dying, there was no other way." Vergil began to snap back at me.

"No other way!? You were power-hungry that's why! You brought this on yourself. How could you!?"

The walls echoed upstairs by our icy tones, making Dante and Nero shutter. They let it be though, this had to go on.

"Tch, listen here! Like I said I had no choice!" Vergil hissed back at me, disliking me blaming him for being power-hungry. "OH yeah sure you did! no being so stupid!" I blasted back in his face.

"Enough! let me explain! I was dying this was the only this I could do, my body was falling apart. I had to separate myself from my demonic side. I understand it caused more problems. That didn't last long either! I as a human was falling apart as well, and needed to return back to my devil side."

I was getting overwhelmed, I stepped forward getting ready to slap Vergil across the face. Vergil saw this and grabbed my arm holding it up in a flash. I glared at Vergil. "Understand this! I have changed since then. As must as I dislike saying it, Dante, and Nero saved me. Would you rather me be dead, and not alive here right now!? because that was possible too!"

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now