Devils Don't Cry Part 2

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I sat there on the couch as the two devil men put supplies together for me. I tried to take deep breaths to relax but my back was stinging a lot. "O..owch.."I winced. Causing Nero to look at me.

"Aah.. Dante?" The other man looked over. "Oh no, it must be her back. ___ lay on your stomach. To keep the pressure off." Insisted Dante. My guard was still up, I couldn't just lay down not knowing what these two men would do. I sat there not moving. They blinked seeing me not more an inch. "Can she not move?" Nero asked.

"She should be able to, somethings up." Dante walked over to me, kneeling in front of the devil man who looked me dead in the eye. "Hey, I don't know what your brain is thinking, but I swear we won't do anything to you. Right now you really need to listen or you will bleed out. Understa-."

"Hey! Dante..that's mean." Nero glared at him. "Shut it Nero," Dante replied.

"Tch..oh fine." Nero looked at me with concern in his eyes. What could he do to help? Then it hit him. Meanwhile, Dante was almost sparing daggers into me. It was beginning to scare me. Nero walked over to me sitting on the edge of the couch. He sighed. Dante blinked at him. I was outnumbered by men and outpowered, I felt small. "You're scared aren't you..?" Nero spoke in a more gentle tone. I slowly nod. I felt a warm hand touch the top of mine. "I'll stay right here with you while cleaning you're wounds alright?" My heart gave a strong thump. I was afraid..I wasn't the kind of person to get this much help, let alone by men see my wounded self. I felt Nero pull my arm a bit, guiding me closer to him, pretty much flipping me onto my stomach. For some reason, I didn't protest this time. "Like this okay?" There I was on my stomach in Nero's lap, laying across the couch with my wounded back facing up. He placed a hand on my shoulder. "You don't need to do anything okay, just relax. We go this, right Dante?"

'This is embarrassing.' I told myself.

"Yup! got everything ready. Should begin now though." Nero's hand never left me, it was still there on my shoulder telling me it's okay. I breathed in the smell of leather. These guys really liked leather it made me giggle to myself. "..k."I whispered.

With that, I could feel the back of my shirt get rolled up slowly. I winced. "Woah, it's okay don't worry. Just need to see the wound." Nero tried to hush me. Both Nero and Dante crinkled their noses at it, maybe it was a good idea I couldn't see it.

"Okay Im gonna start disinfecting it. don't drop her." Dante half laughed. Dante placed it right on my wound. I let out a cry. "Tch argh!" I winced pretty much death gripping Nero's leg. I nearly kicked Dante in the face." Woah! easy there I need my eyes." He spoke. I could feel Nero's grip get tighter around me. "AAAoww!" I cried again. "Sshh., it's okay." Nero tried to hold me in place, It took him more power to hold me down so I wouldn't jump. "Once more!" Dante washed more of the blood off. "AAAAARGH!!!" I death gripped Nero's leg again. Crying to myself in pain, it caused my tears to drip down my face. My voice tugged at the men's heartstrings. Nero's hand was now on top of my head, right in my hair.

"Hmm.., just as I feared. It's not healing properly." Dante said with concern. I sobbed quietly into Nero's lap soaking his clothes. "What are we gonna do.?" Questioned Nero. Dante motioned to Nero, not saying his plan out loud. My mind at this point was a fuzzy blur of sharp stinging. The demon hunters didn't want to scare me but this was the one chance Dante thought it might help relieve my intense pain.

Dante picked up a dagger. Nero watched not saying a word. He just sat there patiently, holding me close. With a swift movement, Dante put the danger to his wrist. With a small slip of the dagger, he quickly grabbed a cup. *drip...*

Nero almost gagged at the thought. 'Oh...hell...___ is gonna really hate this..' The boy thought.

Quickly Dante wrapped the wound up and pulled his glove back on. He poured something else into the cup that now held some of Dante's blood. Nero guessed it was juice. "Here you go Nero." Dante held the glass up to him. 'W-what?! you serious man?' He wrinkled up his nose, disgusted at it. Dante's eyes held the look of, you have to do this.

Taking the glass Nero slowly held it up to my face. He spoke. "Here...___ please drink this. It should help." Nero had to hold back on not gagging. I could just barely hear Nero, I saw the glass at my face. It smelt odd, very odd. 'W-what the heck...?' "Never mind it, it's medicine, just drink it fast." Dante spoke. Nero put the glass to my lips slowly tilted it back. The second it touched my mouth, I thought I was gonna die. "Uugh.." *cough* "You got this!" They spoke in unison. I quickly chugged it, hoping it would stay down. It was disgusting. I coughed again. "Few...good job." Dante took the glass back. Nero patted my head as I coughed. To their surprise, the infection was slowly vanishing. They grinned at each other, Dante's blood actually worked. He wrapped my wound back up. The worst of it was over. I became less tense over time, but I didn't move. Shifting to my side. I looked up a bit. Smiling back down at me a bit was Nero.  I averted my eyes."Thanks." I spoke quietly. I watched Dante trying to make some food, as I lay there still on Nero's legs. 

"Now that the worse is done after you feel better, I feel like you should be taught to defend yourself against demons." Dante spoke. I nod my head. At this point maybe it was the best thing to do. I did wanna be stronger. Not gonna lie, it was kinda nice to have 2 men fuss over my health for a change.

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