❄Vergil's Day Off❄

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I found myself in a cafe, with Vergil sitting across from me. Why was this happening? It was apparently his day off. It was hard to tell if Dante was trying to shoo his brother away.

I was shocked when Vergil politely asked me to join him at a cafe. He was almost begging. Then I started feeling sorry for him. I was going to say no, but the look on his face was hard to ignore. He was in a good mood, and he was being extra nice. It was almost embarrassing.

"Do you require more tea?" The silver-haired man asks.
"Ah sure, some more would be nice." 'More so I can get keep my cool more.., this man stresses me out sometimes.'

Vergil nods his head and almost instantly summons the waiter near us with his voice. " She requires more tea, sir."
The waiter right away walks away to get more. Though I could see Vergil frightened then waiter a bit.

"I think we should train today, I'll gather the others for it."

(1 hour later)

We were on our way back to Dante's office. I was happy and warm from the tea and food we ate. Fall was here, so it wasn't thankfully stinking hot. (I'm just going by the weather that's happening where I live.)

Vergil suddenly stopped in place. I tilted my head. "What's wrong?"

"I sense something.." He mumbled in a low voice. The second he said that pools of deep red blood spawned from the ground. Yup the demons were coming.


Vergil drew his yamato, and held it up to the side in front of my body. As if he was blocking them from me. "Listen up, don't you dare leave my side. Not once, got that?" His voice was so cold.

"Y-yes." I nod my head. 'I can't let those scum lay a finger on her.' The cold man thought.

"You are to follow my every move, seeing as you have no weapon to defend yourself with."

'Okay, OKAY I get it man ,' I rolled my eyes a bit.

"Move NOW." Vergil grabbed my arm forcing me to stand as close as possible to him. Demons spawned all around us. He summoned those ice blades he had. They began to circle around us.

I was a bit worried if i went too far, that they would actually cut me. I stepped forward following his steps.

"Die! you worthless demon!" Vergil gracefully cut upwards. As the demons stepped dangerously close to us, the pinging sound of the blades rotating around us kept them off me. Vergil reached out and grabbed my shoulder pulling me closer. "I told you not to move."

'I..didn't??' I gave him a confused looked.

He ordered me again, so he could cut more and more of them down. His rotating blades suddenly rang out, a demon jumped at us.

"Not in this lifetime!"

Just like he summoned more of them, repelling the demon's attack. I sighed. I didn't exactly want any cuts from the demons. someone them could have venom in their claws, that would be dangerous to me.

"Not good enough."

"Ha what?" I didn't even have time to react, and Vergil reached an arm out and grabbed me by the waist. He suddenly jumped forward, doing a mini teleport. While cutting demons down with the hand the yamato was in.

With a couple more swift cuts of his blade. Vergil landed with me on our feet and sheathed his katana gracefully. I looked down at myself seeing the demon blood splashed onto my clothes. Vergil followed my line of sight, he glanced down at the blood. Letting out a sigh he spoke.

"I..apologize. I can get that cleaned up. I was not fast enough."

"Ah..w-well, I was in the way. It's okay V-"

Opps I just called him V. He looked at me with a blank face. "I see.., let us return then." He surprisingly wasn't made about V, because that was technically him too.

'I need to pay attention more, I tarnished her clothing. Damn it.' Vergil mentally slapped himself.

( At Dante's office)

"W-woah brother the hell did you do to her?? She's a mess!" Dante looked up from his deck. He saw the demon blood all over my clothes.

'Thhanks. man...for insulting my looks.' I pointed at Vergil, whispering. "His fault."

"She is not wrong.., but it's not what you think!"

Vergil glanced back at me holding his hand out. "Give me your clothes." Dante's jaw almost dropped. I glared at Vergil. "You DUMMY! not here."

"Ugh! that is not what I meant, I said I will clean them."

"I have spare clothes in my closet ___ help yourself." Dante didn't exactly want Vergil to cut up his office. I instantly ran up the steps leaving the two brothers looking at each other.

- Until next time

Blinding Strike Vergil/V x Reader(Devil May Cry)Where stories live. Discover now