Not wanting to disturb her sleep, I knew she was tired from staying up all night. Upon reaching the plane, I picked her up and placed her on the bed inside. I then sat on the chairs and worked on my laptop.

As we approached the landing, I went to wake Sarah up. "Wake up, Dove, we are almost there."

"What time is it?" she mumbled in her sleep.

"It's 11 a.m., baby, and we need to get up and sit in the chair for landing."

"Alex, please let me sleep. How can we land within an hour of our boarding? Please, I am very tired," she pleaded.

"It's 11 in New York, baby. We boarded at 10 in Spain," I explained, but she just scrunched her nose in confusion. She is too sleepy to understand time zones right now.

I kissed her softly. "Wake up, baby, or I'll tie you to the bed." That did the trick. She opened her eyes wide and blushed.

Chuckling at her antics and giving her a kiss, I left the room. "Come and sit in the seats; we are about to land." She agreed and moved to the seats, fastening our seat belts.

Upon landing, she rushed out of the plane, breathing in the air of New York. She smiled, and I took her hand in mine, leading her to our car.

Mr. Patrick, who had been part of the family for as long as I could remember, came to pick us up. He was there even before I was born and is the sweetest person. "Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Reynolds. How was your trip?" he greeted.

"It was wonderful, Uncle Patrick, and please call us by our names; you are our elder," I said, and he smiled with a nod. He placed our luggage in the trunk, and we sat in the back seat.

As we took the turn towards the city, Sarah asked me in confusion, "Are we going to your office first?"

I shook my head, and when the car stopped, she questioned, "Are you ill?" I shook my head again. "Is someone here you didn't tell me? Is everyone okay? What happened? Why are you not speaking? Why are we here? What happened? And who..."

I cut her off by kissing her. "Now that you are silent, no one is admitted to the hospital. We are here for something we need to do before heading home." She still looked at me with confusion but relaxed and nodded.

As we entered the hospital, we went straight to the doctor's room as I had already scheduled an appointment with her.

Entering her cabin, I greeted her, with Sarah standing next to me.

We came to Dr. Lily Patel, our family doctor.

As we settled down, I said, "Doctor, sorry for fixing an appointment on an urgent basis."

"No problem, so what's the issue?" She asked, looking at both of us.

"Doctor, this is my wife Sarah, and I... uh... we had... we had unprotected... over the week, so can you please prescribe some medicines for that and also some birth control for the future," I said, feeling a little ashamed and avoiding eye contact.

I saw Sarah's head move in my direction, but I couldn't face her right now. I went with the flow, caught up in my feelings, and I didn't think of using protection. I never do such irresponsible things, but with Sarah, all I wanted was her, and I don't know how that skipped my mind.

"Alex, I thought you were a responsible child. How did you go over a week of unprotected sex?" She said.

"I... uh... Sorry," was all I could say.

"No problem, but take care next time," she said to me, then diverted her gaze to Sarah.

"I have some questions that I need you to answer; are you okay with that?" She questioned, and Sarah nodded, then looked at me, I gave her an assuring smile, but I saw her eyes were full of questions and... hurt. Why was she hurt? Was she hurt because I was irresponsible in my actions?

The Arrangement Factor (ARRANGEMENT SERIES #1)Where stories live. Discover now