ChanCheol -> Magic

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Chan is in magic class with his friends and his boyfriend. All the other students manage to do the trick, but he doesn't, so he loses his patience, especially as the other students keep teasing him and dragging him lower than the ground.

" Channie-ya it doesn't matter if you can't do it."

" Yes, it does matter ! They're laughing at me and I'm going to get a bad mark."

The eldest sighs and snaps his fingers to light the room, Chan lifts his head and smiles softly through his tears, the eldest feeling horrible and sad for his wonderful boyfriend who until then was succeeding at everything.

In not even thirty seconds he felt two arms encircle his waist and his shirt slowly wet, the older man sighed and cradled his youngest to calm him down, knowing how much his lover hated failing his magic because he felt he was no match for the others, and that his school grades were very important to him, especially in this subject.

" Channie-ya, do you want me to help you ? To pass your magic test."

" It won't work."

Chan gives a sulky little pout and the elder feels his heart melt at the sight, he places a small kiss on his lover's forehead and Chan giggles like a little child before walking away from his lover.

" Channie-ya, cast your magic on me ! "

" I'm not going to cast my magic on you hyung. It'll hurt you. We're doing this on a worthless object not for nothing."

Chan makes another little pout and feels lips pressing against his, the youngest so surprised that he moves backwards, but his elder holds him back so that he doesn't retreat any further.

The older man puts his hand under Chan's shirt to work some magic he's learned all by himself, and this calms the younger man enormously. He finally closes his eyes and soothes himself in Seungcheol's arms, who continues to use his magic to soothe his lover's heart, and when he sees that all is well, he stops.

" Feeling better, baby ? "

" You used that magic again, to soothe me."

Seungcheol casts a stronger magic this time, Chan lets out a little squeak of pain blinks several times before falling to the floor.

" Cheollie..."

" Stop pouting like that baby, I'm doing this for your own good, if you stress too much you'll never make it."

" Help me, when you explain I can immediately use my magic properly. "

Seungcheol gently pats his lover's head and helps him to his feet, once his boyfriend is standing beside him he places a tender kiss on his youngest's mouth and steps back.
Chan's brain is spinning, but he doesn't have too much time to react, as his eldest is moving extremely quickly.

He performs the magic trick easily and when Chan tries it doesn't work, Seungcheol performs the trick again more slowly this time and turns to the younger man, who smiles tenderly and gently strokes Chan's back to soothe him.

The youngest sighs and closes his eyes, concentrates and throws his hand towards the wall, then suddenly a huge noise is heard, when he opens his eyes he sees a huge hole in the wall.

He turns to his lover, who smiles, snaps his fingers and the wall rebuilds itself, as if by magic.

" I wish I had as much power as you hyungie."

" One day I guarantee you'll have just as much as me. Come on, try again. I'm sure you will."

" What am I supposed to do with my magic again ? "

" You just have to punch a hole in the wall, not completely destroy it. "

Chan elbows Seungcheol lightly in the stomach and smiles softly before closing his eyes and refocusing, the elder this time coming to place one of his hands on his lover's shoulder and helping him to calm down with the help of his magic.

The black-haired boy doesn't like this, because he knows that Seungcheol is helping him, and he wants to do it without any help.

" Cheo.."

" I don't use my magic anymore, I swear ! I'm just backing you up, okay ? "

Chan nods and points at the wall, this time a tiny noise resonates in the room and when Chan opens his eyes he realizes he's succeeded, a tiny hole is there present in the wall.

The boy is so happy that he starts jumping up and down, then comes straight over and embraces his eldest in his arms, who laughs at his lover's childishness and carries him to spin him around in the air.

Chan giggles like a child and stretches his arms skywards, feeling really happy and proud of himself. Seungcheol finally puts him down and places a tender kiss on his youngest's lips, who blinks and kisses his eldest in return, tying his arms behind his lover's neck.

After this little moment, Chan steps back and hides his head against Seungcheol's chest. Seungcheol laughs softly and strokes his younger son's back before pulling him away.

" Come on baby, go show the others that you can do it too."

" If I can't, they'll laugh at me again."

" They won't, I assure you."

Seungcheol smiled to reassure his boyfriend and gently took his hand to lead him towards the magic room.

Once inside the teacher waits patiently for Chan to position himself in front of the wall, the boy does so he thinks about everything his lover has told him and throws his magic against the wall, a noise echoes in the space and when the black-haired boy opens his eyes he realizes he's succeeded.

" Very well, Mr Lee, top marks to you. And to Mr Choi, but everyone's getting used to that. "

The teacher's voice is filled with annoyance because Seungcheol at his level, and even in some magic tricks he's one level above so it annoys him.

Chan, on the other hand, is happy, very happy, so he goes straight to Seungcheol's arms and gives him a hug, the older boy of course returning the embrace and planting lots of kisses in his lover's hair. Chan is proud of himself, but Seungcheol is even prouder.

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