ChanCheol -> Save me

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Chan is a young boy of just eighteen who is often pushed aside at school because he has a totally different passion from the other boys. Normally at this age, when you're a boy you like soccer, basketball, handball and even swimming, but he prefers dancing, like the other girls in the school.
It's the reason for his harassment, his passion which is related to that of the girls, the boys of the school wonder if he isn't a tomboy, while the girls simply say that it's to look at them in the changing rooms that he does this, well, all that to say that today, like every Friday, he leaves his room after a dance session much harder than the previous ones. He's exhausted, he really has no strength left, his whole body is completely "dead".
Yawning, he leaves the hall with his backpack slung over his shoulders. Whereas he's usually just subjected to insults and criticism, today he's going to take a beating too - why? Because, apparently, he tried to hit on the girlfriend of one of his tormentors. A ridiculous reason, given that Chan doesn't like girls.
Normally, he would have tried to defend himself, but today, as he has no strength whatsoever, he just lets it happen. The blows are each more violent than the last, so much so that he ends up bleeding, lying on the floor. The last thing he sees before plunging into complete darkness is his stalker's disgusted face.
It's a long time before the young man wakes up, no longer in the alley but in a hospital room beside him, where he sees students from his school - not the first time this gang has helped him.

" Did you save me again ? Thank you." Chan says softly.

" Damn it Chan, we were so scared when we saw you in that pool of blood." Seungcheol replies

" For a moment, we thought they'd succeeded in killing you. " Says Jeonghan, his eyes watering.

" Maybe it would have been better that way." Says Chan

" I forbid you to think like that Lee Chan ! " Said Seungcheol

" I've got an idea, Soonyoung, Minghao, how about we ? " Says Jun

" How about what ? That we're a new dancer in our group, totally." Says Soonyoung.

" You've read my mind, come on let's check out our club. "

Just like that, the experienced dancers in the room leave, the only one left with Chan is Seungcheol, the blond is deeply sad to see his schoolmate like this, he approaches him gently and sits down on the bed.

The older boy strokes the black-haired boy's bruised cheek as gently as he can, the latter sighs and, without understanding why, rises to a sitting position and plunges into his elder's arms. The latter gently squeezes Chan in return, so as not to hurt him but to show him that he's there for him.

" Save me, I beg you. " Chan said softly.

" From now on you can count on me and the others."

Chan nods and hugs the blond against him, clinging to him as if his life depended on it.

- One week later -

After a week spent in hospital alongside Seungcheol and the other boys as they passed by, Chan is slowly starting to get his life back. He's back on his feet and ready to dance.

Of course, the hospital doesn't agree with this, but nothing and no-one can stop Chan from pursuing his passion, he's so stubborn that no-one can stand up to him. All that to say, from now on, no-one dares to bother Chan, because he's staying with Seungcheol and his gang.

Chan's head is on the older boy's shoulder, his hand is in the blond boy's, and their two hands, one inside the other, are resting on the older boy's thigh. Both are staring at the horizon...

" Thank you for saving me from hell, Seungcheol. " Says Chan

" We all contribute for saving you."

" Certainly, and I'm grateful."

" It's normal to help someone in need, and know that you can always count on us."

" Seungcheol I don't know if you know this but I'm not attracted to girls. That was one of the main reasons for my harassment. "

Chan sighed at this, closing his eyes and raising his head, he tried to remove his hand from Seungcheol's as well, but Seungcheol held him back, the blond's free hand coming to rest on his younger son's cheek.

" Do you think there's only one straight guy in our group ? " Says the elder with a sneer.

" What did you say ? "

" Don't tell me you haven't noticed ? Jeonghan and Joshua jump on each other every chance they get, Seungkwan and Hansol love each other while insulting each other and Jun and Minghao love each other discreetly because Jun is shy. Then Soonyoung and Jihoon love each other but both are so defensive they'll never say it and Mingyu and Wonwoo have said it officially. "

" How could I not notice that myself..."

" Maybe because someone else is more interesting ? "

Chan smiles softly, his cheekbones heating. Seungcheol smiles too, letting go of Chan's hand to place his remaining hand on Chan's other cheek, gently, so as not to rush his younger son, he presses his forehead to his.

" Did you understand that I'm interested in you ? "

" Yes, and what's surprising is that you haven't, even though the whole group has."

" I'm not very observant but hyung, do we have the same feelings for each other ? "

" I certainly feel that way, at least I hope so. "

Chan smiles even more, and dropping his stress he comes away from his elder, in order to come back to him and put his lips on his, the kiss is really soft, posing and loving everything the two boys feel for each other finally.
Chan is really happy to have found such a perfect group of friends and, above all, such an understanding person as Seungcheol - in the end, all his boys really did save his life.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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