SoonHoon -> Can't

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Jihoon and Soonyoung are two members of the Seventeen group with a major role, vocal leader, composer for Jihoon and dance leader for Soonyoung, with these two important roles their schedule doesn't coincide well, although they can see each other on the filming locations of new Going Seventeen it's all they manage to do to have a little time together.

At the moment Jihoon is in his room, trying to compose new music, but nothing's working, he's shouted and screamed at several members that they just wanted to make sure he was okay, he's too stressed and in a bad way to stay calm, so inevitably the first person who asks him how he's doing, takes on Jihoon's anger and frustration.

The composer finally lets go, abandons his desk chair and decides to go back to bed, disappointed with himself and his own behavior towards his own friends, he knows full well what he has to do tomorrow : apologize to his precious friends.

Jihoon closes his eyes until he hears his bedroom door open.

" Baby ? Is everything all right ? "

The young man doesn't yell at the member, for the first time he just raises his head and shakes it from the left to the right, to tell his best friend that he's not all right. Soonyoung sighs and comes straight over to sit on his friend's bed, the composer immediately moves into a sitting position and comes to embrace his elder.

Soonyoung recoils at first, because it's well known that Jihoon doesn't like physical contact, no matter who it's with. He hates it, it's the first time he's initiated contact and doesn't want to break it.

The dancer hesitates to encircle his cadet in return - he doesn't want his cadet to dislike his actions, so he does nothing and simply lets Jihoon take him for his fluff.

" Soonie..." Jihoon's voice is extremely low and filled with sadness.

Soonyoung looks down into Jihoon's face and their eyes meet.

" I can't do this anymore. I can't take it anymore, my brain's going to explode."

" Baby, we've always told you that you've got plenty of time, our PD nim leaves plenty of time for your inspiration to return."

" I'm exhausted both physically and mentally hyung."

A second surprise for Soonyoung, Jihoon never calls him hyung unless it's really important. It's only after this little word that the dancer really realizes that his friend's condition is totally worst day by day and this evening is really the most worst evening ever.

Jihoon tightens his embrace and Soonyoung ends up hugging him back, and it's exactly this contact that brings the composer to tears. Soonyoung gets scared and immediately stops hugging his friend.

" Soon... it felt so good to be hugged. I feel good in your arms, totally safe, almost totally disconnected from reality. Hold me close please."

Soonyoung definitely can't resist, cuddling his youngest in return and positioning himself better so that this contact is as perfect as possible.

The little one's whole body relaxes, his tears subside and his heart beats in time with Soonyoung's. He gently pulls away from his eldest and makes their eyes meet.

" I can't do this anymore. I can't do this to you anymore."

" You can't ? You can't do what anymore ? And most of all you can't do what to me ? "

The composer doesn't answer, but places his lips against Soonyoung's. This contact is too much of a surprise for the dancer: his brain is completely disconnected from reality and he no longer reacts, his eyes remain wide open and his body refuses to move.

Jihoon finally steps back, realizing that Soonyoung has no idea what's going on.

" I told you not to wait for me because I didn't know if it was possible for me to feel love for someone. But now that you're standing in front of me, I think it's obvious. It's obvious that I love you, I can't lie to myself anymore, but I can't make you wait any longer. "

" Baby Hoonie, if you only knew how much I've dreamed of this moment. "

Jihoon smiles softly and returns to rest his lips against his eldest's, this time Soonyoung responds to the kiss, both his hands coming to rest on his youngest's hips while he his hands come to explore his eldest's hair.

The composer soon arrives on his elder's legs and their movements become more eager and greedy. The dancer quickly inserts his tongue into his younger mouth, and when his pink muscle meets that of the composer, the latter moans softly.

Soonyoung's hands quickly pass under Jihoon's sweater and he tilts him so that his back meets the mattress, despite this they haven't broken the kiss at all, it's only after a few minutes that they detach from each other to catch their breath.

" I was right to wait for you, I warned you anyway that my feelings for you were impossible to make disappear."

" Thank you for waiting for me."

" You had already explained to me that love was a scary feeling for you because of your grandparents and parents. I understood but that didn't make me give up my feelings for you quite the opposite. "

" Thank you for making me see what true love is. Thank you for showing me what love really is, thank you for loving me and most importantly, thank you for helping me to love myself."

" My baby Hoonie ~ I love you. And I promise to show you what love is every day."

Jihoon simply smiles and taps the spot beside him, Soonyoung immediately comes to stand beside his younger self and Jihoon doesn't even hesitate for a second before resting his head against his elder's chest and letting his lover play with his hair.

Soonyoung begins to close his eyes and Jihoon takes the opportunity to place a tiny kiss on his dancer's lips...

" My heart belong only to you, my Tiger Hamster. You are the most important person in my life, Soonyoung. "

The dancer smiles and pulls Jihoon close to him, this night will definitely be perfect as for the first time in a long time the two lovers finally sleep peacefully without thinking of anything more than each other.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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