MinWon -> Changed

235 7 1

Mingyu and Wonwoo have been friends for quite some time now, but for a few days now Wonwoo has felt that his younger is changing, his behavior towards him is changing, the way he dresses is changing, now he's dressed darker, always in black, he also wears make-up whereas before he didn't. Wonwoo isn't sure but he thinks his younger is smoking too. Wonwoo isn't sure, but he thinks his younger smokes too. Nevertheless, he doesn't dare ask Mingyu what's wrong, because he feels it's none of his business and that if his younger wants to talk about it, he'll talk about it himself.

Nevertheless, it really intrigues him: it seems that his friend is in a bad way and that he's trying to change in order to feel better in his own mind, and that's very disturbing for Wonwoo. Absolutely nothing. It's very strange, this radical change.

At the moment, the boy is sitting on the sofa in his living room, wanting to send a message to his younger to ask him if he'd like to go out and see a movie, as they both like action films and there's one on at the moment. However, he's not sure his friend will agree, he's changed so much and has grown so far away from him that he's convinced he'll mind.

So he switches off his cell phone and sighs in despair at the situation, then suddenly sounds against his door. Wonwoo gets up and immediately goes to open it, and that's when he comes upon Mingyu, his face covered in wounds, his clothes torn and his body trembling.

" Would you please welcome your old friend in your house Wonwoo hyung ? "

" Sure, come on in, you are always welcome."

Wonwoo shifts from the doorway and lets his friend in, the latter doesn't hesitate and immediately comes inside to warm his body. The elder closes the door and joins Mingyu, helping him walk to the sofa and sitting down. Then he fetches a glass of water to give to his younger.

Mingyu doesn't even drink; he just watches the liquid sway back and forth in the glass, sighs and finally decides to open his heart, because he really needs it.

" Won' hyung. Can I explain where you don't give a shit either ? "

" No, tell me everything. I am and always will be there for you. You know that Gyu ~ "

" Even after all the ignorance I've offered you ? You're a really incredible person. "

Wonwoo smiles softly and gently lays one of his hands on his youngest's leg to caress it gently and soothe his friend.

He explains that his parents discovered that he no longer liked women, but was attracted to boys, and this didn't go down well: his mother forced him to wear make-up, because that's what gay men do in her eyes ( although not necessarily ), and his father hit him every time he saw him. Fed up with this, he wanted to move into a friend's apartment, but the friend asked him to leave after a week, having discovered that he was attracted to men.

Honestly, his world collapsed after that, because all the people he deeply trusted turned out to be real jerks, closed-minded and homophobic. Mingyu sighs after explaining all this, closes his eyes and is afraid of Wonwoo's reaction.

" Mingyu-ah you know very well I'm pansexual, I'm certainly not the one to judge you on your sexual orientation."

The younger sighs reassuringly and turns his head towards his elder's, his eyes drowning and glistening with tears as they meet those filled with sadness. Delicately, his eyes land on Wonwoo's lips, then he raises his eyes to those of his eldest, who nods to tell his youngest that he can do it, but Mingyu can't move.

So it's Wonwoo who makes the final move to seal their lips together, the exchange extremely slow and gentle, deep down they know they've been dreaming of this moment for a long time and they're happy to be able to experience it at last.

Wonwoo gently steps back and places a kiss on Mingyu's forehead, and then steps back again, Mingyu smiles happily and comes to take his elder in his arms, the latter smiling and positioning his body better against that of his younger brother. Wonwoo begins to stroke Mingyu's hair and places several kisses in Mingyu's head.

" You know, Wonnie-ah, I've known for a long time that I have feelings for you. I wanted to tell you, but I was afraid I'd rather pull away. "

" I now understand why you've been acting differently. I thought it was weird that you changed so much for no reason when you usually tell me everything."

" I'm sorry I changed towards you, I was just completely lost and scared that I preferred to do it this way."

" It was hard being away from you, you know. I've had feelings for you for at least two years now, but since you've never told me your true sexual orientation, I always thought you were attracted to girls and only girls. "

" I don't think I've ever been attracted to a girl, I discovered my sexuality when I met Joshua hyung. However, he's already in a relationship and I personally understood that he wasn't for me. You, on the other hand, match me. "

" Gyu-ah, will you be my boyfriend ? Come and live with me, don't go back to your parents. "

" I'll be your boyfriend. I wanted to go to Shua hyung's but it would have been horrible for him and his boyfriend to have me in the middle. "

" Knowing Shua he wouldn't have said anything and his boyfriend is adorable he wouldn't have said anything."

" Yes, but in the end I'm better off here."

Wonwoo laughs and nods softly, the two lovers decide to stay as they are, the elder having finally understood why Mingyu had changed so much, but now that everything's been cleared up, Mingyu has no reason to change, he just has to assume his true self and be happy in Wonwoo's arms.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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