JiHan -> Jealous

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The Seventeen band made their debut in two thousand fifteen, but being little known, they were invited to take part in a variety show in order to boost their audience. This has worked well, with fans flocking to their side in ever-greater numbers. At the moment, the members are watching their performance of Monsta x's "Love killa", which was meant to be sexy, and was perfectly captured from the moment Joshua soloed on guitar.
After that, he did a scene with Seokmin where they're not even close to kissing. The members joke a lot about this and say how viral this scene has become, fans really loving this, as it's an imaginary representation of bl scenes.

Jeonghan, the second oldest member of the gang, takes a dim view of this, although of course he doesn't say anything because the fans really like this scene, but his heart can't take it. What's more, he can see that the ship between Joshua and Seokmin is gaining even more visibility because of this, even though the two boys used to spend a lot of time together and even have their own scene in an mv. Obviously, this kind of thing boosts a ship's popularity, but deep down Jeonghan doesn't like it at all, without really knowing why.

After watching their performance, the boys leave the small room and Joshua and Seokmin continue to look for each other and bicker, the black-haired boy sighs when he sees this and his elder Seungcheol understands that something is wrong so he approaches his friend and takes him aside to ask him what's going on, once the two boys are out of sight of the other members, the older one starts asking his best friend questions.

" Han, after the viral moment of the performance your mood has worsened what's going on? " Seungcheol asks gently.

" I don't even know Cheol, it's their closeness that gets on my nerves."

" Would you have liked to have taken Seok's place then ? "

The younger man closes his eyes and sighs, telling his leader that without really meaning to, his desire to be close to Joshua all the time is high, but he can't afford to take him with him all the time, it's totally insane, Seungcheol immediately understands where his younger self is coming from so he puts a hand on the younger man's shoulder and tells him it'll work out.

After that, the blond leaves the room, leaving the black-haired boy alone with his thoughts, and not even a minute later Joshua enters the room.

The youngest looks worried for his eldest, and comes gently to take his friend in his arms. Jeonghan sighs and allows himself to return his youngest's embrace, resting his head on the youngest's shoulder and closing his eyes, Joshua comes to stroke his hair gently and cradles him gently so that he feels a little better.

" Hannie hyung. What's wrong ? "

" Nothing, you'll think I'm crazy. "

The younger boy frowns, then gently pulls his elder away from him, then comes to replace the locks of his elder's hair. The latter lowered his eyes to the ground and tried to understand why his heart was beating so fast. Without even wanting to, he's fallen in love with the little guitarist in the band.
Using his fingers, Joshua gently lifts his elder brother's head and their eyes lock.

" Tell me Jeonghan, why are you acting like this ? "

" Fans who see you and ship with Seokmin, it pisses me off. "

" Are you jealous ? Would you like it to be you and me as the most popular ship ? "

Even though Joshua says this in a joking tone, Jeonghan really takes it to the first degree, his eyes filling with tears, his body starting to shake and all his emotions mixing.

" You're joking, but I'm serious about this. And yes, I'm jealous."

" Why ~? Why are you jealous ? ~ "

In the younger man's voice there's mockery, playfulness, amusement, nothing serious and this really irritates the elder, so to show his younger self once again that he's not joking, he comes and grabs the collar of his shirt and pulls him to him, their faces now close, their foreheads touching and their mouths only slightly apart.
Finally, so that Joshua gets the message, the elder decides to close the gap between their lips. His mouth joins that of his youngest without an ounce of gentleness, the younger at first surprised doesn't react, but finally after a few seconds he takes part in the kiss.
The kiss is wild and torrid, one still seeking to dominate the other, and after several seconds of kissing like savages the two boys pull away breathless. When they open their eyes, their pupils are dilated and dark with envy and pleasure.

" Do you understand now ? I have feelings for you, I love you, I love you like crazy okay ? " Says Jeonghan

" I 've been waiting for this for so long ! My devil angel ~ "

" What's that ? Excuse me ? "

" Think about it, Seokmin and I, it's bullshit I did it to get your attention and make you realize you feel the same way I do. "

" Have you had feelings for me for a long time ? "

" Next question please. "

" Can we kiss again ? "

" I can even take you if you feel like it. "

The eldest lightly pats his youngest's chest, then gently runs his hand up the back of his youngest's neck, then draws him to him again, their two mouths collide again and they let their desire get the better of them.

~ This silent room is going to be noisy from now on ~

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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