ChanCheol -> Move

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The Seventeen group is currently working out in the practice room, everyone focused except the leader, who is far more attracted by his boyfriend's movements than his own.
It's true that Chan's body is fluid, driving and hypnotic. Nevertheless, this is not the time for Seungcheol to want to do things with his youngest, for the moment he has to concentrate on his own movements. Even though he knows it, his eyes never cease to shine with envy for Chan, and he bites his lower lip, analyzing the black man's every move.

" All right, you can take a break. " Indicates their choreographer.

Seungcheol doesn't waste a single second, grabbing Chan's wrist and dragging him towards their dormitory, or more precisely, their bedroom. The older boy tackles his boyfriend against the door and locks it. Both boys' breathing becomes much faster.

" Cheollie ~ what's wrong ? "

" Have you seen the way you move ? You think I'm going to stay calm seeing your body move like that in front of my eyes. "

" Do you think we have time ? "

" I'd tell the members we had a problem and had to fix it. "

Chan laughs softly and places his knee next to his lover's crotch, gently pressing down on Seungcheol's budding erection. Seungcheol grunts with pleasure and plunges his head into his lover's neck, planting countless little kisses, then occasionally nibbling Chan's skin. As for the younger Chan, he continues to press his knee against his elder's crotch, letting his lover leave little marks on his neck. His hands pass under Seungcheol's top, and suddenly he delivers a blow much more powerful than the previous ones.

" Ah ~ Channie ! Stop that ! "

" Um ~ stop what ? "

" Chan. Do you like to move your body to dance ? Ah ~ I like to move my body but for something else. Ah ~"

" Um, ah ~ move to do what ? "

" Ah ~ I'll show you. "

Seungcheol lifts his youngest's body from against the door and comes to push him onto the bed, he begins to undulate his body against Chan's, both begin to sigh with ease.
Their gazes ignite, Seungcheol pulls off his shirt and then removes Chan's, the older man places a trail of kisses on Chan's body, the latter gesticulating in all directions, so intense is the pleasure.
He feels the blond man's hands pulling down his pants, he lets himself be kissed and waits patiently for the older man to continue.

< I'm so sorry to do that >

Chan tries to get up to go back to work, but a sharp pain in his lower back prevents him from moving, so he lightly shakes Seungcheol, who grunts and wraps his arms around his younger's waist. He gives to Chan a gentle shoulder massage and places a few kisses on his lover's shoulders.

" Cheol, I can't move, it hurts. You've been too hard. "

" Sorry, Channie ! "

" How am I going to create choreography now ? This is why I don't like it when you top. "

" Liar, I know you love getting take by me. "

" I'd like it more if you went slower. What am I going to tell our choreographer ? "

" The truth. "

" Cheol, I...we've been talked about this. "

" I won't force you, but it'll keep you from coming out with false excuses. "

" You know what, go tell them. I can't move personally I told you. "

Seungcheol bursts out laughing, and gets out of bed, putting his underwear and pants back on but remaining shirtless, he's hot, so he prefers to stay like this. Especially as the marks left by Chan are visible like this.
Seungcheol quickly leaves the room and returns to the practice room, the eyes of his cadets and the choreographer turning to him, he smiles nervously.

" What did you and Chan do ? " Jeonghan asks, looking at his elder's naked torso.

" The same thing you and Shua did at night. " Seungcheol retorts.

He looks towards Joshua and the latter has his gaze inked on the ground, Jeonghan remains surprised by this, he didn't think anyone here knew about him and Joshua, apparently they're not as discreet as they think.
Seungcheol moves to the center of the room and asks everyone to sit in front of him, his members as the choreographer does, it's impressive how everyone listens to him, respects him and carries out his requests.

" You're probably wondering where Chan is now ? He's in bed, tired and above all unable to move. "

" Cheol ! You destroyed the ass of our best dancer ? " Says Minghao in disappointment.

" Sorry, it was too tempting..."

" How are we going to manage without him, it's going to be hard to rely on just the three of us, Chan is a really important element. "Says Soonyoung.

" We'll take a short break until his pain subsides."

" Next time let him dominate you. " said Jun.

" Or take it easy " says Jeonghan.

" I'll be as gentle as possible next time, I promise. So for now do what you want, we're at rest."

Then Seungcheol decides to leave the room and fetch some painkillers from Joshua's room. He knows he has some, having already seen a full box.
It doesn't take him long to find what he's looking for, and he quickly leaves the room for his own.
Once inside, he sees Chan, still topless, with his hair a mess and sweat all over his body. Seungcheol swears he'd like to take his boyfriend a second time, but the poor guy's already in pain, so now's not the time to hurt him even more.
So he approaches him gently and grabs the bottle of water left in his room and gives both the medicine and the water to his lover.
The latter sits up, grunting in pain, then grabs everything he needs and drinks his capsule.

" I'd like to..."

" No! I'm sorry, I can't move for I don't know how long, but now's not the time to destroy myself even more. "

" I was going to say, I'd like you to get some proper rest and hope the pill kicks in so you can resume dancing tomorrow. "

" I've been thinking about something else. Your eyes are still ablaze with desire it's impressive. "

" It's normal for me to desire you all the time Channie. Nevertheless, you're already in pain, so I'm not going to add to it. "

" I'm top next time."

" We'll see. "

Then Seungcheol helps his maknae to lie down in bed, he comes to take off his pants and join his boyfriend in bed, his arms come to wrap around his lover's waist and his head comes to rest on his boyfriend's shoulder.

" Good night, Channie. Hopefully tomorrow you'll be able to move."

" Good night Cheollie hyung. Hopefully I'll be able to move tomorrow too. "

The two lovers giggle softly and the two boys eventually join the wonderland.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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