SoonSeok -> Booster

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For some time now, Soonyoung hasn't been feeling well at all. His head keeps spinning and he sometimes throw up his food, but he doesn't say anything to his members and prefers to carry on.

Right now, he's in the practice room, alone, racking his brains to create a choreography for " S.O.S ", one of their new songs. He's trying to do his best, but it's taking so much out of him that he's throwing up in the bathroom, his strength is failing him more and more, and he's closing his eyes.

When he wakes up a few moments later, he's no longer in the bathroom but in bed, and he quickly recognizes the room as Seokmin's. Seokmin arrives in the room with a wet towel and a glass of water at this moment.

Soonyoung looks at his younger and starts coughing. He asks his younger if he has anything to throw up in, and Seokmin gives him a bucket, which he had prepared just in case. The eldest starts vomiting into the bucket and lies down on the bed, before starting to cry.

Seokmin is so sad to see his eldest like this that he stays by his side, taking care of him by doing all he can to bring down his eldest's temperature, and this seems to work because a few minutes later Soonyoung's forehead is no longer hot.

As for the dancer, he went back to sleep as soon as he had vomited. The singer wiped the tears from his elder's face and let him sleep peacefully in his bed, knowing full well that the dancer needs his sleep.

When he comes out of his room, he runs into Chan and Jihoon. The two boys have seen Soonyoung fall to the ground several times today and are worried about him, but when they see that Seokmin has taken care of him, their concern diminishes.

They know how powerful the attraction between the two boys is, and that they'll always do their utmost to get back up and give each other the energy they need, so Chan and Jihoon decide to leave Soonyoung's health in Seokmin's hands and head off to refocus on their own task.

Seokmin, for his part, goes off to get a few things to make Soonyoung's condition as good as possible, but when he returns to his room he sees that his eldest son is awake and sitting on his bed, staring out of the window.

The younger Soonyoung immediately settles down beside his eldest on the bed and does his utmost to raise his eldest's energy, which after a good hour finally seems to be bearing fruit.

Soonyoung smiles again and his imagination for choreography seems to be working.

" Seok ah ! Thanks, you're a real energy booster. I'll leave you to it for now, we'll meet up later I need to share my ideas with my baby Channie."

" I'm glad to be an energy booster for you Soon ~ "

" You're my personal energy booster Seok."

Soonyoung winks at his youngest and places a small kiss on the youngest's cheek before leaving the room.

Seokmin remains stoic for a moment, his mind completely elsewhere, one of his hands on his heart and the other on the cheek his eldest has kissed, he knows he's been in love with Soonyoung for a few months now but he doesn't know if it's mutual he hopes it is but he doesn't know.

At the end of the day, Seokmin finally leaves his room and heads for the practice room, where he simply finds Soonyoung hopping around with a smile on his face and a tiger cuddly toy in his arms. Seokmin smiles, happy to see his eldest like this.

When Soonyoung realizes he's being stared at, he stops and turns towards his younger. Without even warning him, Soonyoung comes up to him and jumps into his arms. The singer manages to regain his balance and keep the two boys standing in each other's arms.

" Thank you for being my energy booster Seokminnie ~ I love you. You are incredible seriously. "

" I love you too Soon..."

Soonyoung smiles into Seokmin's neck and starts to sprinkle lots of butterfly kisses over his younger's exposed skin, the latter starts to giggle like a child and the elder ends up backing away gently.

Now his gaze plunges into the singer's, and naturally their eyes lock and their faces draw closer together, until finally, after so many years, their lips come together in a sweet kiss.

The kiss lasts a long time, however, until the members of the group enter the room, which is a good five minutes minimum.

" Guys, I think we're intruding, we'll train tomorrow." Says Jeonghan, as long as Seungcheol isn't there, he's the leader and he dictates a little to his members.

So that's how the other members follow Jeonghan out of the room and Soonyoung and Seokmin find themselves alone again, still in each other's arms but obviously no longer kissing.

" Soon, are you serious with me or not ? "

" I would never dare play with your precious little heart. You're a real sweetheart who needs love and I'm here to give it to you."

" I'm here to give it to you too - I've had feelings for you for a long time."

" You're especially here to give me the energy I need. I've always told you that you're my energy booster. That's a fact that won't change."

" I thought you felt things for Jihoon hyung."

" That's ancient history he and I. Nevertheless in the future it's you and me."

Seokmin laughs softly and sighs happy that this day is ending like this. He's happy to finally be able to call himself a couple with the person he desires most, and he knows that now he'll be even more present for his eldest, keeping an eye on him and always making sure he doesn't make himself sick for his work.

Of course, work is important, but mental and physical health are more important than anything else.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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