MinWon -> Slut

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Mingyu is fed up, why ? Because for some time now, his eldest Wonwoo hasn't cared about him. They used to be so close, always glued together, but now they're far apart, and the eldest doesn't seem to realize it at all. At first he did everything he could to make Wonwoo realize this, but now he's letting go, because he can't take it anymore, his heart can't take it.

At the moment, the young man is in his living room, drinking his mint julep, the drink he's always had with his elder, their favorite since they were kids, but since this girl arrived, they no longer drink together. Mind you, they don't do anything together anymore.

Mingyu is sick of thinking about him, always his brain thinks about him, always his heart breaks thinking about him, always his imagination sees this girl with him, the young man sighs and decides to stop torturing his mind, he gets up from his sofa and goes to his front door.

And that's when he's shocked: his eldest son is standing there, tears streaming down his cheeks, his body trembling, his clothes in a bad state. Mingyu is totally stoic, he can't even move, he doesn't understand what's going on, it's only when his eldest son takes him in his arms that he reacts and decides to take him in his arms too.

The two boys stay like this until the sky rumbles, and the rain starts to fall, Mingyu unties himself from Wonwoo's arms and drags him inside the house, asking his elder to take a seat on the sofa and him going off to his room to get some clothes, as his friend used to sleep here he still has plenty of his own clothes here, so it's perfect.

When he leaves his room, he also goes into his kitchen and prepares a water mint for his eldest, he knows it will do him good to drink this beverage again. He's completely right to think like that, because when he comes back into the living room and hands his eldest what he needs, he's still watching the liquid in his glass with a wistful face.

" You remember ? "

" How could I forget ? Your existence is still as important in my life hyung, even if I was no longer important to you, you were still just as important to me."

" I assure you that you're still the most important person to me, it's true that I haven't been with you at all lately and I apologize for that, that fat slut turned my brain upside down. "

" Why are you calling her a slut ? You're not in relationship with her anymore ? You don't like her anymore ? What's going on ? Even this morning you-"

" Shhh, stop talking and listen to me I have a lot to explain. Now, it's time you knew the truth besides. "

Mingyu nod softly and Wonwoo began his story, explaining that his girlfriend was jealous of the closeness between them and that if he really loved her he'd have to prove it by moving away from him, which is what he did because love makes you completely blind after all. He was able to put up with it, but not so much any more, because he couldn't stop talking about Mingyu to his girlfriend, and today he told his girlfriend that he missed his younger too much, and that was the trigger, his girlfriend slapped him and told him to fuck off, it was either Mingyu or her, and Wonwoo decided to choose Mingyu, because they'd been together since they were little, and the years they'd spent together were impossible to forget.

The girl nodded in understanding and took the opportunity to reveal that she wasn't in love with Wonwoo at all, she'd agreed to be in a relationship with him because he's handsome and it's every girl's dream to have him, nevertheless there was no love in the relationship on her side and Wonwoo realized there was no love on his side any more because the only person he could think of in this girl's arms was Mingyu.

The blonde also took the opportunity to say that she was in a relationship with a boy from the school across the street and that now she was sure she felt love, she didn't hesitate to support the fact that she had never loved Wonwoo and that she loved her current boyfriend and that she didn't regret cheating on him, because honestly, could that be considered cheating ? She wasn't in love with Wonwoo after all.

" Is she serious about the ending ? She really is a slut, and at the end did you love her too ? "

" On reflection no, I never liked her it was a way of convincing myself that I was attracted to girls in the hope of forgetting the one I really love. "

" Nevertheless, it's impossible for you to forget me and that makes me happy because it's impossible for me to forget you too. On the other hand, I'm going to make sure you forget that whore completely."

" Thank you Mingyu, I don't know why I forced myself to try and forget the feelings I have for you. Probably out of fear, I was afraid you'd tell me you wanted nothing more than our friendship."

" Did you think I was going to say that ? How could you think that when every chance I get I take the opportunity to put my lips on yours ? "

Wonwoo starts to blush and hides his embarrassed face between his hands, the younger laughs and removes his elder's hands, finally placing his lips on Wonwoo's, the exchange is soft and pleasant, a real kiss to express their true feelings for each other, Wonwoo finally pulls back and takes Mingyu in his arms, the younger returns the embrace and places kisses in his elder's hair.

He's going to do everything he can to make his eldest forget all about that slut and think only of himself all the time.

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

<3----------------<The end>--------------<3

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