ChanCheol -> Value

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Chan and Seungcheol have been a couple for a while now, but their boss has decided to split them up, as it would normally be the case if they were in the Hip Hop sub-unit together, but now only the eldest is in it. Although it's not easy all the time, as their schedules don't always coincide, they allow themselves to meet up discreetly at night. At the moment, our two lovers are together in the youngest's bed, chatting about everything and nothing, until the subject of work comes up.

" You know, I really feel like that I don't belong to be on the performance team. " Chan says sadly.

" What are you talking about ? You must be kidding me right now " says Seungcheol, stroking his boyfriend's hair.

" I'm not jokking Cheollie, listen, I don't have Hao's suppleness, I don't stand back from things like Jun, I don't have Hoshi's stage presence either. "

Seuncheol sighs and embraces his lover's even more tightly than before, the younger's settling more comfortably into his elder's embrace, and his head soon resting more comfortably on his elder's chest.
The latter gently runs his fingers through his boyfriend's hair to reassure him that he's there to support him.

" It's normal that you don't have the same value as them; every human has a different value, nevertheless, every presence on earth is important. " Said the leader gently.

" Certainly not me, you've seen how talented my members are and-."

" Can you stop comparing yourself to others ? "

" It's so hard Seungcheol hyung. I promise you i try to have more confidence in me, but it's really hard when i look at my oldest.."

" You have to understand that you're just as valuable as they are. They need you, you're a key part of the group."

" Let's say I believe you."

" And most importantly, I need you, you're my little light and you make me the happiest man on earth. "

Chan is deeply touched by his eldest's words, so he gently moves away from him to lean on his elbows and admire his lover's face. The latter smiles gently at him and puts his hands on the back of his youngest neck, rising as gently and placing a gentle kiss on his younger forehead, after this little kiss, Seungcheol kiss the younger lips with his, this sweet kiss are short but very pleasant for the boys, right after that Seungcheol returns the embrace, kissing the hair of his boyfriend's repeatedly.

" I wouldn't do anything without you, I can't thank you enough for always being there for me. " Chan says, his eyes shining with love.

" Do you remember the first day we met ? " Says Seungcheol

" How could I forget that special day, the PD nim even said we matched perfectly. "

" This hasn't changed at all, we continue to match because we need each other."

" In my opinion it's more me who's dependent on you and not the other way around. "

" I assure you, you can ask Vernon or Mingyu, or Wonwoo. I really do talk about you all the time, I only have you in my thoughts and in my heart. "

" You know that since we're no longer in the same sub-unit it's getting harder and harder for me."

" Why ? The members do absolutely everything for you, don't they ? "

" Of course they did, but it's not the same. Friendly support and loving support aren't the same at all. "

Seungcheol smiles softly at his boyfriend's words, then calmly lies back down on the bed, his youngest following his lead and automatically returning to rest his head on his boyfriend's chest. He begins to stroke his boyfriend's hair, and before diving into the arms of Morpheus, he kisses his boyfriend on the corner of his lips, then on his cheeks, and finally places a real kiss on his boyfriend's lips, much to his boyfriend's delight.
Having done this, Seungcheol rests his head against his pillow while continuing to stroke his boyfriend's hair.

" I honestly don't know what I'd do without you by my side." Says Chan

" If the members weren't covering for us, we'd see each other once every thirty-sixth of the month. "

" I so wouldn't have been able to do that, I need your body heat by my side to sleep, otherwise I have nightmares. "

" Is that why, at one point, you looked like a panda ? Even through the makeup your dark circles were marked by fatigue."

" You know it's impossible for me to sleep without someone by my side, and with my roommates, it's dead."

" Why's that ? "

" Jun and Hao are sleeping together and I'm pretty sure Soonyoung is joining Jihoon hyung. "

" I never noticed those two being so close. "

" Soon and Hoon hide their game well, in front of the cameras they pretend to hate each other but behind the scenes they love each other deeply. "

" Did Hoshi confirm their relationship to you ? "

" Yes. Cheollie we're not going to talk all night about them. It's getting late and I'm sleepy. "

" Let's sleep in such cases my precious dancer. "

Chan simply nods, and closes his eyes, Seungcheol also closes his eyes, a gentle smile coming to the corners of his lips.
Morpheus quickly carries off the youngest.
The eldest, before falling asleep, takes one last look at his lover.

" Your presence by our side is so important, but your presence by my side is worth all the presence in the world. Good night my precious dancer. "

And just like that, he too falls asleep.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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