ChanCheol -> Happy ending

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Joshua, Jeonghan, Seungcheol and Chan are four close friends who have been following each other around since high school, hoping their group won't break up.

At the moment, the four boys are sitting in the older boy's garden, talking about anything and everything, until the older two start to tease each other, and to be in their own world, Joshua and Chan look at each other distraught.

Eventually, the two friends leave the two oldest fight each other, to go their own ways.

" You'll see they won't even notice. " Chan says with a sigh.

" It's been like this for nearly three months, they're hiding something for sure, it's so obvious." Says Joshua, looking at the ground.

" I don't want to believe they're secretly dating. "

" Neither do I, but if that's really the case we'll have to be happy for them. "

" You think we're going to be able to pretend we're happy..."

Joshua straightens his head and shakes it negatively, He knows for a fact that he won't be able to hide the fact that he loves Jeonghan for very long, just as Chan won't be able to hide his feelings for Seungcheol for very long.

The two friends sigh at the same time and settle down on the ground, looking towards the horizon and sincerely hoping that their two friends are friends and nothing more.
Joshua gently strokes Chan's hair, Chan leans on his elder's shoulder and sighs for the umpteenth time, then at the same moment Jeonghan and Seungcheol arrive.

" Why did you leave like that ? " Seungcheol asks.

" Honestly, Seungcheol, sometimes we feel like we're too much, so if you're a couple, tell us. " Joshua says.

" All right, we didn't want to say it, but I think it's better if you know. Cheol and I have been dating for four months now. "

Chan detaches himself from Joshua and stands up to run away, Joshua closes his eyes and sighs, deciding to get up as well and set off in search of his best friend.

It's not long before he finds him hiding behind a tree, with his knees against his chest and crying into his arms.

Joshua moves gently towards him and comes to crouch in front of him, Chan hears this and looks up, seeing his friend he doesn't hesitate for a second, diving into his best friend's comforting arms.

Joshua returns the embrace, rubbing his back affectionately in the hope that it will calm his best friend, well his more like a little brother for him.

" Why ? Shua hyung why did we have to fall in love with them ! Why...why can't we have a happy ending with the one we love ?! "

" Chan, we're not in a fairy tale, we're in real life, we owe it to ourselves to be happy. They're our friends first and foremost. "

Joshua gently pulls his friend away from his arms and comes over to wipe his youngest's tear-filled eyes, the elder rising to his feet and helping Chan do the same.

" I don't have the strength to go and see them, if you see them and they ask me where I am, told them I wasn't feeling well and I go home. "

Joshua nods and lets his friend go. He goes off to his two eldest.

" Where did Channie go ? " Seungcheol asks worriedly.

" He went back home, he wasn't well. "

The eldest of the three frowns, before the announcement he was fine, laughing, talking nonsense, dancing in the grass in front of them, so why all of a sudden is he not well ?

Seungcheol doesn't understand, so he gently tells the other two boys that he's going to check on him.

Joshua tries to hold him back, to find excuses not to go, but nothing changes Seungcheol's desire to join the younger boy.

So that's how he runs off to his younger's house.

-> After about ten minutes.

Seungcheol finally reaches his youngest's house, he knocks frantically on the door but nobody opens it.

After five minutes of intensive knocking, the boy decides to stop and let his body slide against the door, resting his back against the wall next to it.

Suddenly, thunderclaps sound and the rain starts to fall, the black-haired boy sighs, then suddenly he hears the door open, he looks up and sees Chan, who is looking at him sadly, his eyes swollen and red, Seungcheol doesn't hesitate for a second, he gets up and takes his younger's in his arms.

" Cheol, you're wet. Stop hug me, get away from me please. "

Chan tries to push his elder away, but Seungcheol holds him firmly in his arms, cradles his head in his younger's neck and starts to cry. Chan understands this because he can feel his elder's body trembling.

" What's going on hyung ? Why are you like this ? Why are you crying all of sudden ? "

" I told Jeonghan it was a shitty idea, my last wish was to make you cry Channie. "

" What does that mean ? "

" Han and I are nothing ! It's all nothing, we played with fire and ended up getting burned. I'm sorry I made you cry. "

" Why did you do that ? "

" We suspected you had feelings for us but we wanted to be sure. We thought you were just going to be jealous but that's all. In the end we destroyed your hearts. "

" You could have asked us honestly. "

" Chan, we never know you you would have told the truth. "

Chan smiles softly as Seungcheol pulls away, his gaze softly passing over his youngest's lips and without hesitating a single second longer he comes to seal their two mouths together, he kisses his youngest with all the desire he feels for him, Chan pulls his eldest away from him slightly and he takes his wrist in order to drag him into his house, once he and his eldest are sheltered from the rain, Chan tackles his eldest against the door and comes back to kiss him fiercely. Finally, he gets his happy ending.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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