JunHao -> Disappointed

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Minghao is really happy that Joshua and Jeonghan are finally together after all the misery within the group.

For his part, he wonders if he can ever hope to be in a relationship with the one he wants, and is slightly disappointed that despite all the signs he sends his eldest, he doesn't understand, or pretends not to, which is even worse for him.

After everyone else had gone off to other activities, he went into the studio right next to their practice room, and slowly began to draw and paint at times. The white canvas is gradually covered with various colors, and Minghao is quite satisfied with his work. He signs his painting with a gentle smile on his lips, and at the same time he hears the door to the room open.

It's only Jun, who arrives with a slight smile on his lips.

" It's sublime, Minghao. You're such a wonderul artist."

" Thank you Jun ! I'm not disappointed with myself either, I like the final rendering."

" You're right to be happy with your work, it's really beautiful."

The older man's sincerity made Minghao blush delicately, and he blushed even more when he saw Jun approach him to stroke his cheeks.

" What are you doing ? "

" You had paint on your cheeks, Hao. Your like a child, it's so cute."

" Ah..."

" You've been nervous around me lately Hao, I can feel it. What's the matter ? "

" I'm disappointed that even with my reactions you don't understand."

Jun raises his eyebrows and waits for further explanation, but Minghao says nothing more and tries to leave. Nevertheless, the elder holds the younger by the arm, and he presses Minghao's body against the young Chinese's work.

" It wasn't dry yet ! I'm going to be full of paint now. "

Minghao is disappointed but an idea comes to mind, he looks at his hands and decides to plaster them on Jun's cheeks, then pulls them away and laughs seeing his elder's face filled with paint now.

Jun is happy to see his younger giggling like a child with him again, so he dips his fingers into the paint palette and starts painting his younger's face. The latter continues to laugh under Jun's actions, and Jun laughs too, because he loves his younger's giggles.

After finishing his art, Jun stops and approaches Minghao's face slowly.

" Hey, what are you doing ? "

" If you think I'm going to keep disappointing you, you're wrong Minghao ~"

Then he places his lips on the cadet's, this exchange is soft and passionate, Jun's hands are on Minghao's hips while his hands are in Jun's hair. Even if they're covered in paint, it doesn't matter right now.

The older hands slide under the younger shirt, and his tongue works its way into Minghao's. The youngest moans softly as his eldest sucks on his tongue.

Jun finally pulls back from Minghao's lips so that the two boys can slowly resume proper breathing.

" You're not disappointed in me now ?  "

" Jun. What is that ? How can you kiss me like that ? "

" I understood from the beginning of your actions toward me that your feelings for me were no longer friendly."

" Why did you let me go on without saying anything, until I was disappointed in you."

" Minghao I wanted a real statement not glances, jealous fits, and all that. I want verbal acts not physical ones. "

Minghao bows his head slowly, he too has disappointed his elder by acting like this. He can't manage it, it's really complicated for him to express what his heart desires.

Jun sighs and delicately lifts Minghao's head with his fingers, then with extreme delicacy places a chaste kiss on his younger's lips.
He pulls back immediately after kissing Minghao.

" I know what you're thinking, and I'm not disappointed in you, Hao, it's your character I can't change it, and I don't want to change it either. "

" Sorry all the same. "

" It's nothing Hao, you know you my everything, no matter how you are it won't change a thing. My heart belongs to you and only you."

Minghao blushed at Jun's words and gently buried his head in his elder's neck, who laughed softly and began to stroke his lover's hair.

" Hao, we're not going to stay like this though. We'll go take a shower."

" Um..together ? "

" I'm not forcing you to do that at all, you can go before me or after me it doesn't matter to me."

" I don't mind if we take a shower together. We don't do anything but wash, though."

" Hey, what do you think of me ? I'm not planning on jumping you, don't worry."

Minghao laughed nervously and untied himself from Jun's arms. The elder smiled gently and took one of the younger boy's hands, leading him towards their bedroom.

Once they've reached their destination, they take what they need to wash and change immediately afterwards, then head for the shower.

Jun stands behind Minghao and starts gently massaging his shoulders, then when he's finished, he comes to cuddle his younger son, gently caressing the artist's belly and occasionally placing a few kisses on the boy's shoulders. Minghao, for his part, closes his eyes and settles in better, letting himself be totally taken in by Jun, which makes him happy - at last, he too has the right to be a couple.

Now he has no reason to be disappointed in Jun and himself, for everything that needed to be cleared up has been cleared up, and they are now a couple, in a little bubble of joy and love.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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