JiHan -> Sick

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Joshua and Jeonghan have been together for a few weeks now, and although they tease each other a lot, they still take care of each other, and their good humor and their happiness keep their friendly group going.

Well, except for today, when Joshua is bedridden with a massive headache and fever, sneezes a lot and coughs all day long. Jeonghan is sad to see his boyfriend like this, so he decides to take care of him, and starts making him breakfast in bed.

On the tray, he puts a bowl of hot chocolate with cereal, a fresh orange juice, and some capsules to ease his flu. Once he's done that, he heads for their bedroom, places the tray on the bedside table, then slips under the sheets to come and stand next to his boyfriend, who slowly opens his eyes and, once he's seen that his lover is there, steps aside and puts his big cuddly toy between him and the older boy.

" Hannie Hyung, don't stick to me, or you'll get sick too." Joshua says

" Taking care of you is more important to me, so it's not so bad if I get sick too. At least you'll get better. "

Joshua's head now rests on his eldest's chest, and he caresses him, placing a few kisses in his hair.

" Straighten up a little sweetie Shuji."

" Hmm. "

The young man gets into a sitting position on the bed with the help of his elder, who takes the opportunity to place a gentle kiss on his younger's forehead, then one on his lips too. Next, he picks up the tray and places it on his legs, then hands the glass of orange juice and the capsules to his youngest, who takes them without complaint. Jeonghan then takes a spoonful of cereal and hands it to his lover, who gently opens his mouth and the elder puts the food inside.

" Hyung, I'm not hungry."

" You haven't eaten anything Sweetie."

" My stomach's in knots, hyung. "

Jeonghan sighs, then sets the tray down again on the bedside table, loosens the strands of his younger's hair and he comes to rest his head on his lover's chest, the latter also settles better under the sheets, and his head comes to find his pillow. Both boys are fast asleep. Moments later, the door opens on Seungcheol.

" Josh-oh ! "

The young man gently closes the door leaving the two boys to rest, then tells the other members not to go and disturb them as they need their rest.

Two short hours later, Joshua wakes up first, yawns softly and then looks at his elder son, kisses him on the forehead, then loosens the strands of hair in front of his lover's eyes, then takes his lover's hand between his two hands and makes gentle movements on it, his lover finally wakes up.

Jeonghan smiles at the sight of his lover, then raises himself a little to place a gentle kiss on his boyfriend's lips. His boyfriend is happy, closes his eyes and enjoys his elder's soft lips against his own. Jeonghan then pulls away from his boyfriend, and his nose starts to itch, so he turns his head and sneezes. Joshua laughs softly.

" Hey, I warned you hyung, it's your fault."

" It doesn't matter, you look a lot better yourself and that's all that matters."

" You're amazing, it's my turn to be the nurse."

" Indeed it is. "

Jeonghan sneezes again, Joshua laughs softly then gets up from the bed to go and get what he needs, the problem is that he doesn't know what kind of medicine he needs to treat his elder. He rummages in the cupboard, but doesn't know what to take. Luckily for him, Seungcheol comes to the rescue and gives him what he needs.

" Shua-ah ! Take some honey too, I heard him coughing it'll do him good. "

" Thanks hyung ! You're awesome."

" That's right, off you go, take care of your lover, I'll take care of the other kids."

" Thanks again. "

Seungcheol smiled frankly at his youngest then gave him the honey, ruffling his youngest's hair, then left for the living room to see " the other children".

Joshua rushes into his room, sits next to his eldest on the bed, and gently strokes his eldest's hair, the latter gently reopens his eyes and smiles at the sight of his buddy, gets into a sitting position, Joshua hands him some honey, Jeonghan laughs more frankly.

" That's not how you make my sweetie, give me a spoon. "

Joshua bows his head, then turns it towards the bowl, it doesn't matter if it was his spoon from earlier, it's the only one available so he takes it and starts putting honey in, his eldest stopping him once there's enough, then he eats the honey then takes the capsules his youngest gives him then afterwards.

Jeonghan invites his youngest back into bed, His head automatically comes to rest on his eldest's chest, the latter returns to his lying position and the two of them fall back asleep almost automatically.

- The following day -

The two lovers wake up in total synchronization, neither coughs, neither sneezes, neither has a headache, all is well, Jeonghan can resume his role as group mom and Joshua can resume his role as moral support to his friends. The two boys can't thank Seungcheol enough for taking care of the other members and even themselves at the same time - he really is the best possible leader.

<3-------------<The end>------------<3

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